

  • Oh and btw, I'm on the 1200 calorie plan. But there are plenty of days I got over a bit. But it's all balanced out by my workouts. You need to remember that the calorie goals are net calories. So you could eat 2000 calories, as long as you burn off at least 800.
  • I'm gonna have to agree with gauchogirl on this one. Unless they directly insulted you, then no it wouldn't bother me. I can understand how it would be annoying, for sure. I know when I was heavier and I would see skinny chicks eat a wafer and some lettuce and say they're full, I would think "there's no fu**ing way they…
  • Tell me about girl. I just started the paleo diet and being at college I feel like I can't eat anything but chicken breast, salad, and fruit because everything else is either a grain, a dairy or has a dairy on it, or it's fried to holy hell! It's tough but I'm working through it. It's tough but it's doable. And as for the…
  • Oh absolutely. I'm super proud to say that I never gained the freshman fifteen, or anything really, while being here at college. I am currently in my second year and so far this school yea I've lost about 7 pounds and hope to keep the trend going. I know things are tough in college what with not having as much food choices…