lillywhite2014 Member


  • I'm up for some new friends too. Anyone can add me!
  • According to Jillian Michaels when a plateau occurs we need to increase our calories intake to maintenance level. But we should only need to do it for a few days. She recommends that we vary our calorie intake between 1800 and 2400 calories, and then after the three days, drop back down to the calorie allowance that your…
  • Investing in a slow cooker was one of the best moves I made. Allows you to pop all the ingredients in, let it do it's thing for up to 8 hours depending on the recipe and then you can freeze multiple portions for a quick and easy meal down the track. I've found it's not cheap starting out, but you have to remember it's not…
  • Hey. I'm a newbie up for some support also. I've dropped 43 pounds with another 40 to go to reach my goal. I've no support network either and I'm hoping to change that today!!