

  • Holly molly! 2.5 months, I wonder how I would cope with a plateau that long. How much is your daily maintenance kcal amount? your daily diet kcal amount? and how many kcal do you use on average each day for exercise?
  • Some of the chart was cut off, here it is again, hopefully it is all there this time Looks like it is all there apart from the y-axis label on the right hand side which is kcal. Cheers, Tony
  • Hi Cherbapp Thanks for the reply. That sucks, I wonder why these happen. A plateau since September, that would hurt me physiologically being on a plateau for so long, well done on pushing through it. I still haven't been on a plateau yet, so hopefully I don't have one. Can anyone give a explanation of what is happening…
  • I have peanut butter, kraft crunchy about once every 2 days. I only have 20grams which is about 130kcal. I stay within my calorie allowance each day, so apart from the salt in it I don't see the problem. I get in it protein and fat (i am often short in fat each day, and need to work out how to have more without going over…
  • he or she is a he thanks for the replies folks. i have been ridding to work like i describe above for about 1.5years, so this exercise is not a new thing. what is new is the fact that i have been watching my calore intake each day with myfitnesspal. i am down 18kg from 116kg to 98kg in that time and have gone from an XXL…
  • Are the amount of calories you eat minus your exercise below your weight-maintenance amount? If so, maybe it is just water that is accumulating. Do you measure your legs/arms/waist? These may have changed in size
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