

  • Whoops! I guess my reputation for skimming lightly over instructions (which often don't make it out of the box) is deserved.
  • 4miles, you're done now, right? Congrats, how did it go for you? 8 more days to go here. Weight loss seems to have accelerated to about 2 lbs per week, which is more than fine as far as I am concerned. Two new treats in my arsenal have helped me along: - homemade gf beef & wild salmon jerkys - homemade energy bars (recipe…
  • Apologies for being a bit off topic, but when you measure carbs (as in "less than 38g") to maintain Keto, do you use "Net Carbs" or total carbs?
  • Hey, it's me again (I'm 57 now :-(). I completely forgot about this thread and my posting. Actually, I was reading the first part of it thinking "this guy's story is just like mine"! Anyway, here's an update... Late June, I went Low Carb / High Fat (LCHF) and then, after reading Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint, I adjusted…
  • I work at an office 8a - 6p and dinner is the only meal I eat at home during the week. I have taken to bringing stuff to the office for meals or to supplement what I take-out locally. What I bring to the office: - Semi-hard boiled eggs (I like the yokes on the creamy side, not dry) - Cans and more cans of sardines,…
  • That's great and thank you for sharing that! Are you seeing any improvements? Are your meats grass fed, organic, etc?
  • I sort of backed into Whole30 a week ago. For me, it only meant dropping the booze, dairy and super dark chocolate (boo-hoo). I had been LCHF (low carb/high fat) since end of June during which I had stopped all grains and was eating mostly grass fed meat/butter/cheese/ghee, organic everything, raw milk yogurt (homemade).…
  • That's a great idea, thanks for sharing! I am working on my entries.
  • Thanks for the Potassium advice, I will track that now. As for caffeine, which Cheryl says she plans to cut down on, the reading I have done does not indicate that there is any correlation between it and BP except in the very short term (like immediately after drinking a coffee). But drinking plenty of water, which would…
  • Hi all, thanks for sharing your personal hypertension histories, struggles, tips, etc. I am a 56 y.o. man presently living a mostly sedentary life. I am 5'10" and weighed in this morning at 208. Five years ago, I was pretty fit at around 170#, working out regularly and on an Isagenix maintenance regime. But then we had…
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