spmccann Member


  • Firstly well done on the weight loss and the exercise. Running and jogging put three times as much pressure on your knees and your joints. You also need to do a little resistance work and on your core muscles. Exercising your core muscles doesn't require any equipment just a few minutes a day can help. there some good ones…
  • Family = important , health = important. These things are not mutally exclusive. The fact that your considering the impact of one of the other shows you are not a selfish man. Cut yourelf some slack. During the week I'm in the gym before work. I'm now more awake at the office than I have been in 15 years. I have to get my…
  • Well Done, only starting out on this. Lost 5kgs in the last month (11lbs-ish). Friend me please!
  • Its the Carbs. As carbs go porridge is pretty good as its got fibre and its slow release.
  • Hi Wiserebel I'm in the same sort of position High Blood pressure , Type 2 Diabertes diagnosed 5 weeks ago. However I'm determined to minimise the effects on my health from the diagnosis. Keeping the food dairy will help you figure out whats doing the damage. For me its chocolate,sweets , fizzy drinks and white bread too .…
  • You have a beautiful baby. Your boyfriend or ex boyfriend is an idiot but he was probably just jealous of the baby. Its time for him to "man up" and realise that for a while the main focus for you is going to be the baby and thats natural enough. I'm fourtunate enough to have two daugthers . It was made pretty clear to me…