mrsward2010 Member


  • dont know how to resize so forgive me if these are huge!!! 280lb 207lb
  • 04/02 - 210lb 11/02 - 207lb :-D
  • Thank you! To be honest its taken along time for me to actually feel proud about where i have come from!. One of worse things for me was starting to exercise so if uve been active before that will be a great help! cant wait to see how you get on! xx
  • So looks like im the first one to post on this!!! :-) SW - 280LB CW - 209LB TWL - 71LB Biggest struggle for me was to keep going when I maintained or even gained. So far I have been dieting and exercising for 13months and its been a hard slog. I have know people who has lost close to double this in the same time which was…
  • love this group!!! loving the challenge!!! Highest weight 280lb CW 209LB END OF CHALLENGE 179LB I work alot so dont get to gym as much as i would like but for the first 30 days i am doing bootcamp sessions x2 per week. Im also aiming to run at least once a week 5k distance (this is most i can run at the moment) and eat as…
  • ooooohhh count me in! starting weight on 90 day challenge is = 209lb goal weight for this challenge is = 179lb final goal weight is = 154lb goals is to get a few more PBs on 5k run and get fitter!
  • i used to weigh once a week but now as ive got a goal to reach i weigh every day and i find it helps keep me on track. I know weight can fluctuate and i always take this into account but find it helps me. do what ever u feel comfortable with xx
  • i echo this!!! most ppl (me included) wants big losses every single week and watching shows like biggest loser where they are losing 10lb each weeks makes us think we can do it too! Unfortunatly most of us havent got the time to be working out for 2hours plus each day so slow and steady is deffo the way to go. The more…
  • 04/02/14 weighed in and im now 210! 199 is in my sights!!
  • wow well bloody done!!! you look great!! xx
  • thanks guys!!! thats great! i was slightly confused but thanks for breaking it down! Personal trainer has always said i need to eat alot more calories and now i know why!
  • wow well done! my skin is rather depressing for me at the moment although it is slowly going down it really can hinder exercise xx
  • Hi Guys my aim was to run a 5k. i looked at this but as my phone is proper pants i just kinda did my own thing lol. i started running on treadmill in november struggling at 10mins. i gradually built up till i was 50mins on treadmill and got to 4.7k. Since then i started doing a local park run which i have done twice and…
  • this is so true for me right now! Number 1 especially true!! Im down by 65lb yet I hate my body more now than i did when i was 280lb! number 6 is true for me too as with the weight loss (and two babies) has meant loose skin despite exercising and slow weight loss. Its nice to know that its not just me feeling insecure and…
  • wow you look fantastic! keep up the hard work! every one has slip ups but its how you deal with it in the long run that matters! xx
  • Week 27/01/14-3/02/14 Highest weight 280lb Starting weight in this group and current weight 217lb. x
  • The picture to the left is me at 20 stone (218lb) and the right is me at 220lb. i have personal training once a week and we do various exercises but deadlifts and bench presses are my fave at the moment. ive not got any front on pics only with clothes on. first pic was dec 2012 and right pic was in oct 2013 x
  • It was 2004 when i got diagnosed. Me and my boyfriend at the time was trying for a baby. I kept getting irregular test results and gained a fair bit of weight ( i dont know exact weight as i refused to weigh at that point but i had gone from a uk 16 to a 22/24) So i went to my doctors who sent me for scans which showed i…
  • feel free to add me :-)
  • im sooooooo glad ive seen this post. i started last december 2012 at 280lb an now im at 214lb. ive struggled for a few months before christmas losing 1lb then maintaining but now it seems to be shifting again. you have given me the push i need to keep at it! thank you!!! :-)
  • wow!!!!!! you look amazing!!!
  • well done hunny! keep up the hard work! i started out at 20 stone and been trying to lose weight since december 2012 since then ive lost 66lb and im 4lb away from 5 Stone loss! ive got a long way to go but seeing others sucess stories makes me keep going!! xx
  • Left pic at 280lb second at 225lb im currently 220 but waiting a while for a new pic :-) 280LB 225LB
  • thank you!! do all of you log food intake etc?? currently as im a vegetarian i eat alot of vegetables and grains. my new best friend is quinoa but i dont know wether it is worth trying to calorie count to see if that helps kick start things again???x
  • my name is daniella. I started at 280lb (20 stone) back in december 2012 i now weigh 218lb (15 stone 8lb) total loss of 62lb so far set myself the goal of 80lb in a year but 18lb away from that as weight has stuck past few weeks i would like to be 180lb user name is mrsward2010