lisastrom Member


  • It takes time for the skin to shrink back. I'm 50 yrs. old, had 4 C-sections in 5 years over 20 yrs. ago, lost 60 lbs. and over the last 2 years my skin has gradually taken back it's shape. Keep exercising the abdominals, eat healthy foods and give it time.
  • 49 yrs. old and lost 60 pounds between Oct. 2010 and Dec. 2011. I lost approx. 1 lb. per week, which was my goal. Slow and steady. I did it by eating responsibly, did not cut out anything but ate in moderation, portion control. Used a food scale to control portions and kept w/in 1500-1600 calories per day (most days) and…
  • From a little town called Onsted, southeast lower Michigan, Irish Hills.
  • Bravo!!!! This story should give anyone hope. What a fantastic ending to a bad situation! I also appreciate the fact that you did it like anyone can; no fad diets, pills, deluxe machinery or extreme exclusionary eating habits. Just good ole hard work and portion control!! Congratulations, you look fantastic!!!
  • Depends on if you want to keep the weight off or just lose it temporarily? You could possibly lose a large amount quickly but it may not stay off. If you want to keep it off, portion control and exercise is your best option. Maybe you'll get lucky and you'll drop a sizeable amount early on. It's up to you and how you…
  • What did you set as your weekly loss goal? 1500 cals. for a man seems awfully low to me. My husband has been doing this program w/me for almost 2 yrs. and I don't think he's ever eaten that few calories as a goal. He's lost at least 40 lbs. w/diet and exercise. You may also want to look into this along w/adding more…
  • I'm going to play Dear Abby here and say that it sounds to me like he has issues w/insecurity. I have known plenty of people like this in my life and it can be impossible to deal with.You need to take an honest look at your relationship and determine whether there might be other situations where he has acted this same way.…
  • That was probably the nicest thing she could have done for you! I have two sisters, one I am very close to who is on this journey with me. The other sister has always been the svelt one, never having to work too hard. I happen to work in the same office with her and after having lost 50 lbs. and everybody in the office was…
  • As a 49 yr. old woman I worried that my arms would never look good again but w/lots of triceps extensions and biceps curls, etc. and time, I actually can say that I don't have much in the way of "bat wings" any longer. Over time the skin will slowly tighten back up. Be patient.
  • I'm 49 and my first 5K at age 48 was around 34 mins., my second 5K was approx. 31 mins. and may latest 5K run 2 wks. ago was 29:18:00. Not bad for an old woman!!!
    in 5k Time Comment by lisastrom May 2012
  • Absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! Your focus and dedication at such a young age is truly commendable and an example to all those young adults who have a hard time changing their lifestyles. Congratulations to you and shall you never go back to your old habits!! You are a success!!!
  • Congrats on the inches lost. You say that you've been eating 1200-1600 a day. What is your goal setting? 1 lb./wk., 2 lbs./wk.? At 1200 if you're just starting out on your weight loss that's a bit low. MFP suggests 1 lb/wk setting so I bet your base would be closer to 1300 or so. Check into that. So many people seem to…
  • I'll take Sophia Vergara! Won't happen but I can dream. I have the hips and waist but I'll never have the chest again!! (:
  • Fantastic job!!!! You look soooo much younger!!:happy:
  • Your diet seems a little sparse. Try eating more varied foods every day. Whole grains, more vegetables and lean meats (unless you're vegetarian) and low fat dairy. Add some chicken, lean steak in there as well. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet, and it may be hard to sustain yourself on lettuce and salmon…
  • I've lost 58 lbs. since Oct. 2010. Actually lost it all by Aug. 2011 and have been in a plateau since then for many reasons but I'm still working to lose about 10 more. I've done it by doing a combination of cardio (running, biking both stationary and trail riding) and I also get a lot of strength training. I've used Wii…
  • Excellent post!! I'm recommending it to a friend of mine to keep her motivated as she's just started on her journey. (I'm almost to goal after losing 58 lbs. in one year). Keep up the good work!:happy:
  • GO TIGERS!!! Prince Fielder = World Series??? Let's hope so! ( I can remember watching his dad, Lord how old does that make me??)
  • Perhaps the type of mat that restaurants use by the sink? I think you can find them at Sam's/Costco. I have no idea of the cost though.
  • I just had my varicose veins stripped and between stopping the water pill I was on because of having the varicose veins and the limitations post-surgery, I regained 7 lbs.. I've finally stabilized and am at least walking again. I have one more round to go tomorrow and I can't wait until my legs quit hurting so I can run…
  • I like Michelina's Lean Gourmet meals. I would love to do like everybody else said and take leftovers for lunch but with 5 guys in the house, there's no such thing as a "left over"!!! (I already have to cook restaurant sized servings so the idea of making a bigger batch is pretty unrealistic).
  • It'll take you at least 20 lbs. before you'll be able to drop a size (most likely), especially at the larger sizes. I started at a 16 and I had lost over 20 lbs. before they even started to feel loose, then I dropped 2 sizes quickly and the rest is history. After 58 lbs. I've gone from a 16 to a 6 (with lots of varied…
    in 18W Comment by lisastrom October 2011
  • Boy do I hear you! We get Panera Bread sometimes 3 days a week for business lunches. It's a killer on the diet! Even the salads are bad. So much for healthy eating!!:(
  • I absolutely LOVE Wii Active 2. I bought in April 2011 and did the 9 week cardio kickstart program and lost at least 20 lbs. doing that. I still do it from time to time (just did it again last night and today and now my hamstrings are aching!). They change the routine every day so it doesn't get boring and there is a good…
  • Ht. 5'4", wt. 147 lbs., just got into a size 6 misses (waist 30). Never been this small in my life at 48 yrs. old!!!
  • I've actually been doing this for a long time. I will walk on my lunch hour w/ankle weights and hand-held weights. When you get closer to your goal weight it helps to boost your calorie burn! It is a great idea:)
  • I find it best to make myself get out of bed and exercise in the morning. I've never been a morning person but I have to make myself get up and at it because I'm in the same situation as you and there is no other time for me. It's hard at first but it works!
  • DITTO!!! A lot of people automatically set their goal at 1200 calories. That's the lowest you can go on this program. Make sure you haven't set your goal too high (weight loss).
  • Don't give up!! You still can exercise. Do anything that involves the upper body. Use weights, do torso twists, boxing, etc.. Remain w/in your calorie goal and you should do just fine! Good luck!!
  • Make sure you have set your goal loss per week at a reasonable goal. Sometimes people set their goal too high (calorie count too low) and then are disappointed when they don't lose. Make sure you set your goal to 1-1.5 lbs. loss per week and perhaps you'll get more than 1200 calories. Otherwise, keep working. It will come…
    in Help!!! Comment by lisastrom July 2011