

  • Cool! This is formation is great! Very helpful. Thanks you!
  • I could not agree more! It's disgusting that people would be like that but the truth is that it happens.. Everybody starts somewhere... And all of those so-called "beautiful" people at the gym gawking at the big girls and guys just make themselves look ugly. It makes me pretty sad to think that people can be so shallow...
  • Stick to it girl!! I gained at the beginning of my journey and since the end of the first couple weeks I am now losing fat! You are most likely gaining muscle. If it is really worrying you, go to a nutritionist and maybe talk with a personal trainer... Where I go I got a free consultation!
  • You have really got a lot on your plate!! :P It might seem like a struggle to fit in exercise and eat properly. But I'm sure you get lots of exercise just with the little ones alone! I am a 27 year old woman who gained through the winter... I am looking to lose about 20lbs so maybe we can be weight loss buddies!
  • I am also looking for support. I have been trying hard but not hard enough and I just need a little push every now and then!! :)