

  • Neuro is right. You didn't actually gain any weight. If you had an "off" day yesterday, then it's just water weight. Drink a bunch of water today, and you'll pee it all out. By tomorrow morning you should see some loss.
  • Happens to me all the time. Usually at an intense part of a workout or run. I am never thinking of anything sad or insighful, just out of nowhere, wham, I am overcome with emotion and sob. Usually lasts for about 15-30 seconds, then off I go back to normal. People can cry during workouts for a lot of reasons, tears of joy…
    in Tears Comment by kvanduzy January 2013
  • Try Skinny Girl margarita or their other line of drinks. There are also lots of recipes online for "skinny" low-cal versions of margaritas and other sweeter drinks. But as many said, you can drink so long as in moderation and track those calories just like food.