

  • Thanks for the advice everyone
  • Yes welcome. This site is new to me as well and if we work together we can all succeed. The key is consistency. I tend to fall off the boat but I find great encouragement here! Feel free to add me as a friend.
    in Hello :) Comment by sjpraja April 2011
  • Very true do the yoga at your own pace
    in Yoga Comment by sjpraja March 2011
  • I have...definitely worth it. I use to have knee pains and lower back pains, definitely worth it to get rid of toxins and lactic acid from your muscles. Highly recommended
    in Yoga Comment by sjpraja March 2011
  • Im definitely, shaking things up for next week by doing supersets for strength training and increase my intervals on the treadmill for sure. I also have been taking in Hot Yoga as well and I love it!
    in Fairly New Comment by sjpraja March 2011
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