

  • I'm 25 :) After 5 kids in 5 years I'm ready to take off this baby weight! :) Good luck to you!
  • Chocolate is my alcohol. ;) I'm an addict and I know it. ha! When I'm stressed I eat chocolate. When I"m bored I eat chocolate. LOVE me some Oreos! I'm not getting rid of it from my diet completely, but I have cut it out cold turkey. I have some good dark chocolate in the freezer that I will eat after the kids go to bed if…
    in Discouraged Comment by allicyn June 2013
  • Thanks for the tips! I am pretty active with the kids at home, but not so much when I'm alone at the park with them. The twins still need a LOT of my attention and I can't really walk away from them. I've done the monkey bars a lot this summer when we go as a family (when my husband is home), and it is a lot more difficult…
  • Thank you! Now I just have to decide if I really want to post a pic. ;) I had the img code right, but it has to be lowercase vs upper. That's what was throwing me off!
  • You look amazing! I'm 25 (26 this summer) and am working on losing the baby weight as well. Great job!
  • My post got lost! Even if nobody wants to talk to me :P , can someone at least help me figure out how to post a pic? Normally I can figure it out on my own, but I'm having issues on this site for some reason. :(
  • Hi! I have 5 kids, 4 home with me during the day (my oldest is in K, and then we have a 4,and 2 year old, and 14.5 month old twins). I try to go running when my husband gets home from work, before dinner. If I want to do a workout at home (Like a Jillian Michael's DVD) I'll wait until nap time. The babies take a morning…