
It's only been 2 weeks, but I have not seen ANY results. I'm 25, 5'6" 170 pounds. I'm trying to lose the last 10 pounds of baby weight (5 babies in 5 years, our last "one" turned out to be twins!). Our youngest are just about 15 months, and I just stopped breast feeding in the last month. It's been a week since either of them have nursed.

I have my calorie intake set at 1550 (but for some reason it's showing as 1600 something, even though in my "goals" it shows 1550). But I usually eat 1300-1400, and that's including eating back the calories that I burn. Being a stay at home mom and full time student, the last two weeks I've only been working out about 30 minutes a day, burning 300-400 calories each day, 6 days a week. I'm not a big water drinker, but have managed 5-6 14oz glasses a day.

I know it takes time, but I would think I would at least see some small results after making such a big change for myself. UGH. I just want to dip into my chocolate stash.


  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    It's only been 2 weeks, but I have not seen ANY results. I'm 25, 5'6" 170 pounds. I'm trying to lose the last 10 pounds of baby weight (5 babies in 5 years, our last "one" turned out to be twins!). Our youngest are just about 15 months, and I just stopped breast feeding in the last month. It's been a week since either of them have nursed.

    I have my calorie intake set at 1550 (but for some reason it's showing as 1600 something, even though in my "goals" it shows 1550). But I usually eat 1300-1400, and that's including eating back the calories that I burn. Being a stay at home mom and full time student, the last two weeks I've only been working out about 30 minutes a day, burning 300-400 calories each day, 6 days a week. I'm not a big water drinker, but have managed 5-6 14oz glasses a day.

    I know it takes time, but I would think I would at least see some small results after making such a big change for myself. UGH. I just want to dip into my chocolate stash.

    Wow! First off, congratulations on your growing family! I bet that's fun :-) Secondly, I'm no expert on losing weight after pregnancy, but I imagine your body is trying to level out and play catch up. Stick with what you know and I bet the weight starts dropping.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Since you don't have a lot of weight to lose, 2 weeks is not enough to expect results. Why is your solution going to be digging into the chocolate stash? Find a lifestyle that you enjoy, that you can stick with permanently, and EAT ENOUGH. It sounds to me like you are eating too little for being a mom of young children and being active regularly.

    Also, as long as you are eating a healthy diet mostly based on unprocessed foods, you don't need to obsess about the water. I drink what I need; no more, no less. But, I don't mean replace water with processed drinks. I drink tea, coffee, and water (sometimes with a squeeze of lemon or lime). That's it.

    Trying using a measuring tape to measure progress and don't expect to see big results every week. If the scale is discouraging you, put it away and only weigh once per month. Or even get rid of it and just use body measurements.
  • allicyn
    allicyn Posts: 9
    Since you don't have a lot of weight to lose, 2 weeks is not enough to expect results. Why is your solution going to be digging into the chocolate stash? Find a lifestyle that you enjoy, that you can stick with permanently, and EAT ENOUGH. It sounds to me like you are eating too little for being a mom of young children and being active regularly.

    Also, as long as you are eating a healthy diet mostly based on unprocessed foods, you don't need to obsess about the water. I drink what I need; no more, no less. But, I don't mean replace water with processed drinks. I drink tea, coffee, and water (sometimes with a squeeze of lemon or lime). That's it.

    Trying using a measuring tape to measure progress and don't expect to see big results every week. If the scale is discouraging you, put it away and only weigh once per month. Or even get rid of it and just use body measurements.

    Chocolate is my alcohol. ;) I'm an addict and I know it. ha! When I'm stressed I eat chocolate. When I"m bored I eat chocolate. LOVE me some Oreos! I'm not getting rid of it from my diet completely, but I have cut it out cold turkey. I have some good dark chocolate in the freezer that I will eat after the kids go to bed if I feel like I "need" some. It's been in there for TWO weeks and I've only eaten 2 individually wrapped squares. If you know me, this is amazing!

    So you think 1550 is too little to be consuming in a day? I had been consuming around 2000 while nursing the twins, but they have weaned so I need to keep that in mind as well. I don't need the extra calories to keep up a milk supply.
  • Colliex3
    Colliex3 Posts: 328 Member
    Im not a 100% sure of this but I know when I start new things my body is alittle out of wack for a bit... Like with working out it set my cycle into wack... So maybe that your not nursing anymore your body is getting used to it? hope that makes sense.
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    When I had just stopped nursing my body went completely out of whack for about a month. Keep doing what you're doing, the body will catch up once it finishes getting everything else in order!
  • harleykat64
    I have to agree with shyeviolett. I have not fully stopped nursing but he has cut down to just a few sessions a day and just that made my body freak out and I didn't lose anything for three weeks! I was getting so discouraged. But I stuck with it and when I stepped on the scale yesterday I had suddenly lost 2 lbs! Stick with it, it takes time but you will break the plateau!