weare7 Member


  • Possibly... I absolutely love the dress.
  • Thank you! Helps that my husband is a hottie
  • You aren't going to eat ALL 12 muffins in one sitting... These are to freeze and grab and go... They last me about a month...
  • I saute (in olive oil) my fave veggies (mushrooms, asparagus, onions) lightly with garlic salt and pepper. I scrambled 8 or so eggs (no milk) I scramble the veggies and eggs in a bowl then fill muffin tins with the mixture bake for a few on 350.. I let them cool then put them in a freezer bag to grab and go every…
  • That truly is a blessing to share in their journey here and share as much as their culture as they can share with you.. very cool! Wish I could have a neighbor like that!! Maybe you could make several different flash cards in as many African languages as you can find online, all of the same word and see which one she…
  • Thank you for the kick in the pants... I agree with it all. Although I sit for hours upon hours a day at work... In all honesty I do get up and walk every 20-30 minutes... I ALWAYS take the stairs to the mailroom (2 flights) and go file my docs... My 15 year old is very helpful, she picks up the kids from school and…
  • I have no family where I am. Very few friends and a TON of responsibilities. I JUST bought a George foreman... Great idea on extra's.. with my brood we rarely have extras