Back, need advice...

weare7 Posts: 10 Member
Hi All, I have been on MFP for years but have also been gone for a year or so... I had lost over 80 lbs 10 years ago and enjoyed about 9 years of it... I am cresting 40, had another baby with my new life and BAM... the weight creeped back in after baby came.

My hubby is gone for 6 months which leaves me alone with no help (household wise) so I am the cook, maid, taxi and whatever else has to be done along with working full time. I don't know HOW to cut time out of my day for myself... I have 5 kids oldest 15 youngest 2.. They all have different needs and levels of needs. I am literally busy until I go to bed at 11pm when I have to wake at 4:30 to get ready for work...

Here is my good, bad and ugly.

Good: I have already cut out all fast food and soda
I have done this before and I CAN do it again

Bad: I DONT make time for myself
I can't afford a gym membership
I fry alot of foods and make things like instant potatoes
I SIT for 8-10 hours a day at work
I eat processed foods at work for lunch

Ugly: I can binge eat.. then not eat for a day or so.
I get 0 exercise, I am grouchy and grumpy 24/7

Help... I am going to see hubby in 2 weeks and I want to drop at least the weight I have put on since he has been gone... 5-10lbs. I have considered fasting until I see him...


  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    question do you have family that can help for maybe an hour every other day? or even 3 days a week. if so this could give you time to do some exercise (go for a walk ect.) If not is your oldest able to watch them?

    Try changing from fried foods to baked or grilled. I have a George foreman grill that I use all the time (chicken, burgers, pork, steak (when my budget allows for steak which isn't often))

    I use to do a lot of processed foods at work too for lunch (actually grad school for me not work but you get it not at home to cook). I started making extra of things at home and taking that with me. Example: Chili put one bowl into a contain and there is one lunch. Chicken cook 1 extra piece, and extra sides to go with etc.
  • weare7
    weare7 Posts: 10 Member
    I have no family where I am. Very few friends and a TON of responsibilities.

    I JUST bought a George foreman... Great idea on extra's.. with my brood we rarely have extras
  • girlonabikedc
    girlonabikedc Posts: 111 Member
    You can do this.

    First, does the 15 yr old help out at all? He/she should be able to take some of the responsibility off your shoulders. They are old enough to babysit for an hour or so so you can get some time to yourself.

    Second, I know you want to lose a certain amount of weight by the time you see your husband, but please understand that your body will lose it at the rate it wants to. Fasting & crash diets will simply lead to more weight gain. Think long-term, not short term. Your husband will love you no matter what.

    Bad: I DONT make time for myself- you need to. Try 15 minutes a day. That's all. Lock yourself in the bathroom if you have to. Read a book, meditate, whatever. But you need time that is yours.

    I can't afford a gym membership - you don't need a gym membership. Go for a walk (then eventually a jog). Find a stairwell & see how many times you can walk up & down it in 10 minutes. Get exercise DVDs from the library.

    I fry alot of foods and make things like instant potatoes-get a healthy cookbook & start experimenting. Cooking a healthy meal takes as long as an unhealthy meal.

    I SIT for 8-10 hours a day at work. I have yet to find the office job that does not offer 10 minute breaks & a lunch break. Get a timer. Every 40 minutes, stand up and stretch. Take a walk during lunch. You can add in movement to your workday.

    I eat processed foods at work for lunch: bring your own lunch. It takes less than 10 minutes to make a healthy sandwich & heat up some soup to put in a thermos.

    Ugly: I can binge eat.. then not eat for a day or so.
    I get 0 exercise, I am grouchy and grumpy 24/7 : as your nutrition & exercise routine becomes established, you'll find the bingeing & mood swings decrease :-)

    Small changes make a big difference.
  • weare7
    weare7 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for the kick in the pants... I agree with it all.

    Although I sit for hours upon hours a day at work... In all honesty I do get up and walk every 20-30 minutes... I ALWAYS take the stairs to the mailroom (2 flights) and go file my docs...

    My 15 year old is very helpful, she picks up the kids from school and daycare everyday for me. But she just got a job of her own for the holidays and will be unavailable for most evenings. I believe I have found an alternative... With my husband being deployed the YMCA offers a spouse/family discount or freebie... Still have to look into it. Otherwise.. I will be playing XBox Kinect with the kids.

    I think ultimately I am going to have to carve out time and make it part of my daily life so I don't get lost in this whole thing... I know it's important, I find myself feeling guilty when I do, do something for me.. (pedicure every couple months or a haircut)

    Thank you for the advice!!