briball003 Member


  • I read this post because of the title - I'm needing a little encouragement myself. I have been struggling with exactly the same thing...snacking. I hope it encourages you to know that reading your post & knowing I'm not alone in this journey is encouraging to me.:smile:
  • Girl, you hit the nail on the head! Well stated & I fully agree.
  • That happens to me when I've been doing really well - you're not alone. I don't know about you, but for me, food used to be a reward. So, if I felt really accomplished with my fitness, I'd naturally look to reward myself with food. I'd say try to find out what's happening emotionally that's making you want to eat - is it…
  • Some things I try: - brushing my teeth (someone else mentioned this - it works!) - drinking lots of water, not too cold (keeps my tummy full) - eat a healthy, but filling snack (avacado, celery & PB) - prayer (sometimes will-power has to come from someone stronger than me:wink: )
  • I weigh myself mostly every day. Sometimes I don't. I think it has really helped me to understand exactly how my routine affects my body. Plus, instead of getting me down when I see a little weight gain, I just know it's time to get back with the program! I say weigh yourself whenver you want, multiple times a day if it's…