ramonapearce Member


  • I was totally jonesing for some sweets yesterday and knew I had some in the house. So what I did was measure out a serving of whatever I wanted, in this case candied pecans and almond clusters. So I took one serving of each, actually weighed and measured it out which is SO unlike me. And since they were both super sweet i…
  • Heck YEAH you can see the difference! Awesome, you have a lot to be proud of and are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing!
  • Everyone's body is different, metabolism, body chemistry, hormones, etc. Sounds like those that don't believe you are jealous. They need to get over it. This is YOUR journey. No one else has to like it or believe it. But those of you who don't believe it then why bother even commenting? It takes a lot of discipline and…
  • Ugh, you must work where I do! Always something laying around to nosh on. So a while back when I was doing Optifast I made a rule for myself... If I didn't bring it, then I can't eat it. Oh it was hard, believe me, but once I got thru a few days of that, it really worked. I wouldn't walk in the area where the food was. I…
  • Oh my, ain't THAT the truth! Olives, or a cheese stick here and a cracker there or a pretzel. Yeah it's hard for me to drink wine and not want to enjoy all that usually goes with it!
  • I could probably teach the meetings, I've gone to so many over the years. I lost 60 pounds on it but had a hard time sticking to it after that. The meetings got dull and boring and I felt like I kept hearing the same things over and over. Drink water before you eat, eat popcorn for snacks, limit alcohol and sugar,…