My name is Stephanie… and I am a Sweets-Aholic!!!



  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    I can relate....I used to eat upwards of 1/2 pound of candy every day. And I mean *every* day. We're not talking youthful indiscretion here. This was earlier this year. I know I'll never be "cured"--I can only manage it by actively choosing to eat differently. My food diary is open--as you can see, I eat 2, sometimes 3 sweet things every day. To me, fruit is not a dessert. Neither is yogurt.

    Here's what has worked for me: I have put cheap, regular candy (the kind that comes in economy-sized bags) on my no-fly list until after I make my goal. It's my trigger food, and it's easier for me to just not start and not have it in the house. Here's what I have instead:

    1. Sweets with high fiber. Fiber One chewy granola bars have 9 grams of fiber and are delicious. The fiber slows down the sugar absorption into the bloodstream so I don't get the usual spike and crash. Plus, it helps you feel full for a couple of hours. Vitamuffins and Vitabrownies (I order the mixes and bake them myself, it's much less expensive) also have a lot of fiber, are delicious, and have only 100 calories each. With these treats, you don't want to eat more than one or two in a day or the GI distress will come back to bite you. Built-in disincentive to binge! :embarassed:

    2. Premium dark chocolate. The expensive, creamy kind. So intense, one row of squares (or less) is plenty. Plus, it's $4-5 a bar, another disincentive to binge. I can't afford a $300/month chocolate budget!

    3. Palate cleanser after a meal: I have discovered flavored tea. Republic of Tea makes a chocolate series--I *love* the Coconut Cocoa one! 3 calories. That plus one row of Green & Black's 70% Dark Chocolate really feels like a treat.

    I've been doing this for 11 weeks now and lose consistently every week. Good luck!
  • ramonapearce
    ramonapearce Posts: 48 Member
    I was totally jonesing for some sweets yesterday and knew I had some in the house. So what I did was measure out a serving of whatever I wanted, in this case candied pecans and almond clusters. So I took one serving of each, actually weighed and measured it out which is SO unlike me. And since they were both super sweet i made myself only eat a piece every 15 minutes. That little cup of joy lasted me all night! I was satisfied enough and didn't beat myself up for losing control and still got what I wanted in the end. I feel better about it and logged it and life was good. Going to try to do the same thing today w/another type of goodie. I'll keep you posted. But I know what you're going thru. My husband will often ask what's for dessert before we've even finished eating!!!!
  • Elise_padramos
    Where can we find how much exercise works of what foods?
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Eating sweets (as well as other processed carbs) feeds the craving for sweets. It's the hormonal chain reaction caused by the sharp rise is blood glucose, causeing a sharp release of insulin from the pancreas, a rush of adrenaline from the pituitary, along with endorphine production (ie: you feel good)

    If you stop eating those foods, and increase your intake of protein, healthy fats, and high fiber plant products at each meal and snack, those cravings will eventually go away. It may take a few days or a week or so depending on your individual body's response.

    If you have any level of insulin resistance, this will cause your body to overproduce the hormone insulin in response to a meal with a high glycemic response. The more insulin your body has to produe, the more your body will stay in a state of constant storage and the more your body will continue to crave those "sweets", etc.

    Having a "small amount" of these foods will require more willpower than cutting tham out for most people due to the above metaboli response.
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    I tried to cut it all out completely and it was a big failure :sad:

    I fell hard last week (Halloween treats in the house calling my names ...Let's say I heard them :cry: )

    So I logged everything , saw how crazy it was ....Now I will allow myself 1 a day and see how this will work :drinker:

    I need to tame that cookie monster :bigsmile:
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Hi Stephanie, I'm Holly. And I am also a Sweets-aholic!

    I track my sugars and I usually do go over everyday. Usually this is pushed over the limit by bananas and/or apples, but yah, there's chocolate in there too.
    I try to keep myself in check by only allowing myself either one dark chocolate square (Ghiradelli or Trader Joes) or I'll have one bite size piece of candy (like a KitKat or Milky Way). They all have approx 5 grams of sugar.

    And I make my own sweet treat-- nonfat, plain greek yogurt and I add different ingredients...
    cinnamon, canned pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg, liquid stevia, some graham cracker sprinklings and usually 1/2 serving of chocolate chips or I just discovered cinnamon chips.. voila "pumpkin pie"
    or PB2, liquid stevia, butterscotch flavoring and 1/2 serving of peanut butter or chocolate chips . "butterfinger"
    or cinnamon, liquid stevia, apple pie spice, bits of apple and some low fat apple cinnamon granola... "apple pie"