This is to let you all know that I have been visiting an better PT who is medicating me well and the pain has reduced to minimal level. Feeling much better than before. The doctor has also recommended me an diet plan to be maintained so that frequently i don't get the pain and I am up to it.
Thanks all for your responses, I am searching now for an good PT who can advice and recommend me the best medication so that I can be relieved from this pain.
No, ducoteycd I am not gaining any kind of weight nor do I lift very heavy things I just practice yoga, sometimes aerobics.
Exercises can be performed with empty stomach if at all some one is interested to loose weight as they say that the stored energy is utilized while working out but there is a risk of developing cramps if you work out with a full stomach.
The concept seems to be good, but does Joint Juice really work? To find out, you need to ask clients who have been taking it for a while.Fast Joint Care+ is a revolution that relieves several types of joint pains as well as improves flexibility and considerable amount of Joint Relief Products.
Joint Juice Review is a joint supplement from JHM. There are two formulations available: Fast-Acting and Maximum Strength. We’ve examined the maximum strength formula. Glucosamine is a substance discovered in the system. Plus is key in the glycosaminoglycan, which is a substance used in the fix and development of system…
Nature of knee pain complications could vary with age. Diseases like sesamoid bone inflammation, Osgood-Schlatter square measure common among tykes inflicting severe knee pain. Seniors sometimes suffer from knee pain thanks to diseases like gouty arthritis and degenerative arthritis. There square measure bound sports that…