

  • I did level 2 day six yesterday. I am trying to catch up from the weekend.
  • Thanks. Its really beautiful out in Chicago. I tried enjoying the weather 80 degrees in March has never happened before. I did the 30 day shed today. I was a bit worn out after the workout. I think I really needed the rest. Thanks for the motivation.
  • I did it. I raise the dumbells to eight lbs I hate the v-press. I am drained today. Does anyone have pain in there ankles?
  • Ok I am caught up. After two hours of raking my lawn I went and did day 3. The second time around it seem easier until I got to the squat thrust. The cardio is killing me.
  • Ok unfortunately I missed yesterday. I was to sore. I am recovered today and did level two day two. I will check in later day today. To get caught up. My arms are still sore so anything doing with dumbells I really hate.
  • Well since last weight in 2lbs
  • Done. I did not have enough energy today. It does feel shorter. It seems like she is trying to incorporate more cardio on level 2 and concentrate more on the abs. I still had a good sweat.
  • Done! Going to enjoy the nice Sunshine in Chicago. Enjoy the weekend.
  • :noway: I can't believe I'm still doing this nine days later. Woot woot. :drinker: Thanks for the motivation. Today I am feeling better and I did not pause I went straight through the video thanks to reading the messages prior to working out. It helps me stay on track of what I should be doing and push myself through it. I…
  • Level 1 Day 8 done. Im still under the weather but I pushed myself through it. It seems be getting easier those side lunges are killing me. I haven't noticed any difference except that I feel my endurance is a bit better. I am trying to concentrate on my form more now I want to make sure that I am doing the exercises…
  • I'm a bit under the weather but I managed to push my self through. I can do one full set of regular push-up and then I have to switch up to the easier ones. Good Job everyone.
  • Day 6 Level 1 still can't believe I'm still here. It seems easier but I am still breaking a sweat and had to take a little break in between. I am feeling great. Hope I see results soon.
  • I really didn't want to work out today. After reading your posts. I felt like if I don't it today I might not want to do it tomorrow. So I had have to stick with the plan. Can't give up when I getting close to the finish line. Thanks for your motivation.
  • I just joined this group and I have a 0 weight loss. :( I just started working out last Thursday daily at least 40 mins a day.
  • I am hoping we gained muscle. I am having the same problem and I do another workout each day.
    in weight gain Comment by Bibil March 2012
  • No weight lose for me yet.
  • Hi Ladies, I completed day 4 level 1. At first it seem easy did those jumping jacks without a problem but by the second set of pushups I was huffing and puffing. It seems easier but still struggling. I can't wait til day 30.
  • Hi, I just joined today the Monday weigh-in I am hoping to lose 37 lbs hopefully by June. I hope I can do it. I just started counting calories this past Thursday and working out.
    in Saying hi Comment by Bibil March 2012
  • Hey Ladies. Day 3 Level 1 complete. I am very sore my arms are the worst. Since I started with 8lb weights. I lowered it for part of the workout for those side lunges and seem to be doing it just fine. I lowered the weights to 5lbs only for the lunges. Thanks for the the motivation.
  • Day 2 level 1 complete. I really hate lunges. Although hopefully come summer time and can finally wear shorts. Congrats everyone.
  • Hello this is day 1 for me trying to jog. Its hard since my asthma tends to act up. But I want to build the endurance. 5 minutes is the most I can jog at a time. Good luck.
    in Newbie! Comment by Bibil March 2012
  • Level 1, Day 1 done. I think I need to lower my hand weights I could barely lift them on the side lunges. I got through it huffing and puffing but its done. Bring on day two.
  • You can add me also. I been on this before but never really focus on getting to my goal weight. I would like to lose at least 37 lbs by my 37th birthday. I started again with the battle today.