New to MFP & Need support!!

Hi everyone! A friend of mine on Facebook told me about this site after me posting yet another status about how I was going to try and loose weight. I've tried so many times in the past that I've lost count. I'm only 24 and I'm 307lbs. Yikes! I hate that number. I hate having this weight on me. I've tried countless diet fads, pills, etc in the past. I usually get frustrated because I'm not loosing or I plateau and get stuck. The most I've lost was 20lbs. But of course I gained it back and then some. Just looking for some friends, some support! I need to do this, not only for myself but to make sure I'm around for my 4 year old daughter that already tells me "Mommy, You're fat" I don't want to hear those words ever again!


  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    i hear you there! my daughter told me that i was not skinny like other moms, and then said how come? i burst into tears. im here for the long haul and ready to be healthy again.

    feel free to add me!

    welcome and good luck.
  • carlos1989
    carlos1989 Posts: 74 Member
    feel free to add me :)
  • You've come to the right place :) Everyone is great, and so supportive. You'll definitely find the support and guidance you're looking for :)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Bibil
    Bibil Posts: 25
    You can add me also. I been on this before but never really focus on getting to my goal weight. I would like to lose at least 37 lbs by my 37th birthday. I started again with the battle today.
  • Welcome aboard. I have logged on now for 10 days. I joined after my Uncle and mom told me they were on here. my Uncle has been a very large man for as long as I have known him. he started at 645 pds. he has been able to lose 31 pds in 30 days. I myself have been struggling with my weight since I was 10 yrs old. I'm at about 260 now and my body protests everyday. We are in this together. Add me as a friend.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    Welcome to MFP. This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change.Diets don't work, I know I have tried them all. I will support you in your quest if you would like and you are serious. Friend me.
  • Marty_D
    Marty_D Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome to you!! This site has been amazing in keeping me motivated! Oddly enough its the food and excercise diary that has been the key for me. I always scoffed at the idea of them, never saw the sense. I realize now that it promotes accountability.... knowing you have to add everything into the diary keeps you aware of what your eating and motivated to excercise in order to add it in there. Best of luck to you and feel free to add me.
  • busymom50
    busymom50 Posts: 29
    I sure understand that. When my son was11 or 12 years old,he got into a fight trying to defend me because another kid called me fat. Then he said, "Mom I like you like you are even if you are big". I cried awhile. I have fought weight for a long time cause my son is now 27. Now my doctor says lose weight to help my asthma. Its gotten so that I'm on the max dosage that I need to be on. This is it for me. I joined MFP almost 2 weeks ago and it sure helps me. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Andufrene
    Andufrene Posts: 44
    Welcome! Everyone is so supportive on here. Feel free to add me :)
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome, MFP is a great place for support as well as to learn. It's also a great tool to monitor not only your food intake, but the nutritional value of the food you eat as well as your calories burned during physical activity. The threads are very informative, and you can find "challenges" to help keep you motivated. Add me if you choose :love:
  • I feel for ya! Let's encourage each other!
  • Welcome! You can add me!!! You can do this!!! WE all can do this! :-) I tell myself that I did not put it on in a month and it will NOT come off in a month. I love MFP and I have a wonderful group of ladies that I workout with. We call, txt and FB one another every morning to help us all be accountable for our health!!!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi everyone! A friend of mine on Facebook told me about this site after me posting yet another status about how I was going to try and loose weight. I've tried so many times in the past that I've lost count. I'm only 24 and I'm 307lbs. Yikes! I hate that number. I hate having this weight on me. I've tried countless diet fads, pills, etc in the past. I usually get frustrated because I'm not loosing or I plateau and get stuck. The most I've lost was 20lbs. But of course I gained it back and then some. Just looking for some friends, some support! I need to do this, not only for myself but to make sure I'm around for my 4 year old daughter that already tells me "Mommy, You're fat" I don't want to hear those words ever again!
    Im kind of new too. But as a nurse, i am eating like a diabetic. here are some grocery items: They are only suggestions. I go to Stop & Shop and buy their generics:
    1. Any generic plain greek yogurt. Add own berries to it. ( I personally started with fruit on the bottom greek yogurt and worked my way up to this plain yogurt with berries) Off season, buy a big bag of fozen berries from your grocers freezer.
    2. Generic bottled water. Drink ONLY water if you can. I have my cup of coffee or 2 in the morning, then only water. I have replaced my all morning coffee with breakfast
    3. Oatmeal. I use the weight loss kind.
    4. Tuna
    5. lean meats, chicken, pork, pork tenderloin, even the flavored kind is not high in cals.
    6. Steam fresh frozen veggies, any and all
    7. Brown rice I use Success individual bags
    8. Salad, all veggies you like (i put a scoop of tuna salad on the side)
    9. Kashi Bars: Read the labels, get the lowest sugar ones, I think Peanut, peanut butter, and Roasted Almond Crunch.
    10. Whole grain bread. I really like Weight watchers seedless rye.
    11. Mozzerella low fat cheese string cheese for a snack
    12. Bear Creek Darn Good Chile, or Allesi Pea Soup. Or any veggie soup.
    13. Eggs
    14 Salsa
    15 pickles, peppers,
    16 Almonds: high in calories! But good for you. But if you are in need of calories at the end of the day, this is a good way to get them into you...

    This is a start. i invite veterans to pick it apart. Also, remember to keep your foods simple and whole for now so to easily input your calories. If you have a android, you can get the app and scan bar codes! Buy 2 things. 1. a food scale 2. a heart rate monitor such as the polar ft7 which also tells you how many calories you have burned. MFP estimates way too high.
    Feel free to add me. Patty
  • karencogs
    karencogs Posts: 50 Member
    Hi My name is Karen..I would like to lose.45lbs..I have a problem..When I eat salt makes me want to eat sugar..I haven't done it for awhile..
    but it happen today!! I just had to have the salted food and then BING..sugar came next..Any had salsa and chip scoops..the hot one and the salt..did it!! Now i feel just awful..:(