

  • Hey! You have taken a great step. I am 54 and looking to lose weight and to get fit. I have three boys 31, 30 and 11. My wife turned me onto this, and this site has been great for me. I can easily track calories and exercise on the go, and the feedback is great. Good Luck. Friend me if you would like.
  • You CAN do this! I just started and have lost about 20, in a little over 2 months! Check in each day, log your food, and exercise! :happy: It's not easy, but it a great feeling. Congrats on quitting smoking! That in it's self is a BIG accomplishment! Feel free to add me. Good Luck - you are in the right place!
  • Good Morning and Happy New Year! I always remember that this is a journey, and there will be start and stops. I did a week long juice fast a couple of months ago, noted a big loss, and then started adding exercise about every day. To date I've lost almost 20 lbs, and dropped about a pant size. The old saying if I can do,…
  • Good Morning! Eat what you want, just control portions. Wine better than beer :) Remember that you are going to add exercise, and watch your total calories each day. Good luck - you are in the right place, for support and advice!
  • Just started using an elliptical at home, really making big strides . Changed to an all fruit and veggie lunch every day, lost 16 lbs so far.
  • 100 cal popcorn. The important part, eat each kernel one at a time. BIG help. If still craving drink water and have a cup of low fat yogurt, all of these end up costing 100 cals each, not shabby and it keeps me away from my nemesis - ICE CREAM!!! Good luck, and keep plugging! Oh yeah, extra exercise to budget out the…