It took me 12 months to lose 30 lbs. I worked out 3 to 4 times a week for 60 mins each session. I wasn't that strict with my diet. Hope that helps. . But you need to take your nutrition and daily food intake seriously, my PT says, 90% of weight loss is done in the kitchen!
I was never a morning person, but I have become one! After a hectic day, my mojo was waning and I kept finding excuses to skip my exercise routine. Now, I get all my gear ready the night before, set my alarm, and get up as soon as the alarm goes! I work hard for an hour, get my metabolism whizzing, and feel good for the…
I do circuit training in a small class of 5 people. We work very hard for 60 mins with maybe 2 lots of 2 min breaks. When logged, it says I have burned 500+ calories. Is that accurate?
My PT told me to breathe in in three, then breathe out in three. It makes you concentrate on the breathing and forget the distance. I found it really helped. Try it.