

  • I thought I would've needed a cheat day so I can get in a bowl of pasta. Turns out I don't really need to it. Granted, this is the end of the first week of calorie counting. Not once during the last 7 days have I felt deprived or wanting. Currently I'm on a 1430 calorie plan, and I typically eat (and always have been) 2…
  • Oh man spring onions is a huge one over here in Australia! I grew up calling them shallots. Supermarkets label them as spring onions, so I typically call them spring onions now, but throw in shallots every now and then. Before I found out what an actual shallot looked like, I was using spring onions in the recipes. No…
  • I'm willing to give this a try. It will be challenging as October through to the end of November are the times I need to buckle down and study hard for my university final exams, but they always say that exercise helps you study. So I guess I'm just going to have to see if it works ;) I'll stick with 180 mins for now, with…
  • I'll be using 1.5kg (roughly that is 3.3 pounds.). I'm not very strong, and I figured 1kg weights would perhaps be a little too much on the lighter side and my body would adapt too quickly to them, and that the 2kg (5 pound) weights might be a tad too difficult for me considering this is my first time through this routine.…
  • I'll give it a try :smile: I joined MFP last year then forgot about it. Rediscovered it last week and ready to put in the effort :) Going to buy some handweight tomorrow, and I might get a headstart and start this weekend. I plan to do 4 days then 1 rest day, then go another 4 days then 1 rest day etc instead of going…
  • These are not my recipes, but I've been using recipes from this blog for years now and everything has always been really tasty! She also does a nutritional breakdown based on serving size for every recipe, and makes it SO much easier to enter in to the app :) There's a under 200 calorie per serving section on her blog as…
  • That chili recipe looks great! I'll just take out the turkey, and maybe sub with some extra beans or tofu to try and match the protein profile. I feel silly for forgetting you can put pumpkin in with chili! I've been basically having butternut squash on the side of all my dinners, because 200g of it I find is rather…