don't eat McDonald if at all possible buy and make your own food that is alive from the tree or the ground, and put snacks in your bag, such as walnuts, or almonds, and there are so many other things you can eat. I know they have salad but save your money and buy your own, and who knows if there chicken is a chicken since…
Love your profile pic
I hope everyone knows that I mean sugars, like soda, junk food, processed and things of that nature I know you cannot get rid of eating sugar, but i can control how much I eat, fruits are fine but I thank everyone for there comments Its always great to see how people think about things, and yes we are all entitled to our…
I'm going to get where your at
Funny I say the same thing about myself
Its great to see the physical changes that have taken place in your body but the most important part is the transformation in your mind to make up your mind, and the heart change for yourself and to inspire others that they can also become an over comer, God speed on your next adventure
- check out this website her books got me started can't even begin to tell you how they helped, so many things that I didn't know about food I now know. Clean eating is for life because its not a diet its a nutritious healthy way of living. I'm not going to critique what you wrote down because…
Excellent job with time, effort, determination you know the stuff that makes dreams come true, you look amazing , Good job
Loved your post and congrats, thanks for inspiring others and I will spread the website abroad
What in the world is a treadmill desk, i have to google that because i never heard of it. most people have sit down jobs and who would believer sitting has such an unhealthy effect on your body if you sit for long periods of time, i should know
Good Idea I will try that
What a big difference one year later congratulations and keep up the awesome work:smile: :smile:
You look awesome i am so proud of you
Awesome you both did such a great job and most of all I love to see family come together as a team, supporting each other and giving love to one another , congrad's
You look awesome, great job and thank you for inspiring us all :)