leofink Member


  • When I started, I did the DVD until I couldn't go anymore. Originally, that meant that I was uncomfortable. I added minutes to the workout each time. Then I tried another workout. Then I started adding weight lifting days and alternated with cardio. I do enjoy the workouts I do now because I keep the ones I like (mostly…
    in SO unfit Comment by leofink October 2012
  • I'm here. Got my Fitbit TDEE and starting to lose.
  • I'm LeoFink on both. Feel free to follow! I'll follow back!
  • I find that figuring out my calories and sticking to them is the key. It doesn't matter if you are eating late at night if it fits in your calories. You are shooting for a total calories in and total calories out. Trying to figure out the best times of day for eating is not going to help. If you leave yourself 200-300…
  • I've never looked at any of the other nutrients than calories. I am actually to a point now where I probably should be looking more closely at my macro nutrient breakdown. However, something people need to watch out for is garbage advice about fruits and vegetables. I have heard people say that they don't eat carrots…
  • Help him plan his shopping trips! My wife and I have three kids, two of whom have multiple activities that they must be carted to and from, and the other is a three year old boy. He is hell on wheels. We both have full time jobs. I used to think I did not have the time. So, finally I MADE the time. I get up at 4:15 am in…
  • I realize that we all want to lose as quickly as possible, but please consider this: It is recommended by (I think) the USDA that the LOWEST a woman should go in her calories is 1200. MFP considers that you will be adding calories to what they suggest based on your exercise. Everyone loses well with a severe calorie…
  • Way to go! You have to start somewhere. Just never aim for perfection. Little over or a little under each day is what you are shooting for. Just very close to your goal.
  • I was groggy this morning. It would just be the Region restrictions that would keep you from playing it possibly. NTSC and PAL are TV formats and shouldn't have anything to do with it. In order to play a Region 1 DVD, you would have to import a Region 1 DVD player from North America. I am not sure if P90X DVD's have the…
  • BE CAREFUL about buying DVD's from America if you are in Europe! DVD Region lockouts are in place. And format lockouts. Our NTSC DVDs will not work on European PAL DVD players. Lyadeia, you sounded as unbiased as you could for being a beachbody coach! :smile:
  • Hi Rachael, P90X is a workout system that combines resistance training with cardio training. It has 12 discs, one workout per disc, and has quite a bit of variety. The workouts are pretty intense, yes. There are things you can do to modify for yourself, such as only doing an exercise for a few reps, decreasing the weight,…
  • Honestly, though I love MFP and my iPhone app, I prefer the method of figuring out my BMR and multiplying for my activity level. I see my activity as being "Lightly Active," which has a multiplier of 1.375. Then I eat about 15%-20% below that number. Every 4th day, I eat to my activity level again. You can start adjusting…
  • Nicely done. I had to make that decision early in the school year (I'm a middle school counselor). I tried really hard to get my workouts in after work, but nothing could stay consistent. So I figured out that I would have to get up early. My early is exactly your early. 4:30 a.m. I can tell you that it gets easier. It…