MarissaR65 Member


  • WOW! Congrats on your 70 lbs. I'm in awe. I'm currently on a quest to lose 100lbs. I've lost 32 and turned to MFP to help keep me accountable and to get back on track.
  • Oh how weird our bodies are. Yes, when your body thinks it is being starved it goes into freak out mode and holds on to fat stores. According to guru Tony Horton, he tells in his guides for his programs that when you embark on a cleaner eating path your body WILL freak out and attempt to hold on to the fat. However, it…
  • WOO! I love a challenge. I NEED a challenge. FIVE pounds. Totally going to do this. I'm restarting TurboFire today. Plus, the help of my handy dandy treadmill. :) Good luck, everybody!
  • Oh. em. gee! You and I are the same weight. I don't know why I think that's cool. I was just counting on my fingers what a sensible weight loss would be then I read your goal. I am a weirdo and must have even numbers. I consider it a lovable quirk. Currently 233 and my CHRISTMAS weight goal is 216.
  • OK, I'm late joining this party.:tongue: There's a formula to calculate how much protein you need. "Protein provides essential amino acids; the building blocks needed for most every human function from thinking to walking to breathing. Humans need about 9 grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight (For example, if…
  • Hooray! Start whenever you can, I say. It is said you can't get back lost time, but since I decided to lose weight it seems I have turned back the clock. Congrats to you and welcome!
  • I have to echo what many others have said regarding weight fluctuation. It can be as much as FIVE pounds from day to day based on how much sodium you've consumed; proper hydration; menstrual cycle, etc... the list goes on regarding contributors to weight fluctuations. Don't beat yourself up, but more importantly DO NOT let…