Looking for new friends

Hi all. I've been a member here for a little while. Just very recently have I started utilizing the community portion of this site, before I was just using it as a food diary. I would love to meet friends on here so we can help and support each other. My husband is a great supporter but he's too nice! I need a little tough love sometimes.

A little info about me: I'm 24 and have lost about 70 lbs. Right now I'm focusing on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and meeting people who are committed to a healthy lifestyle change.


  • MarissaR65
    MarissaR65 Posts: 9 Member
    WOW! Congrats on your 70 lbs. I'm in awe. I'm currently on a quest to lose 100lbs. I've lost 32 and turned to MFP to help keep me accountable and to get back on track.
  • Quaters
    Quaters Posts: 85 Member
    Hello you should be so pleased with yourself..well done i am here for a friend if you want. What a great weight loss.
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome! Glad you've decided to join the community! I, too, am now focussed on maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle and am committed to doing it for the rest of my life. I feel great and want to keep it that way :) Congrats on your weight loss and please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Manysongs
    Wow! Great job! You should be proud of yourself.
    I know I can use some support so feel free to add me as a friend. Lisa

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