In your own way Im the same as them? Ok you live in a wierd twisted world where a comment of me thinking a person is using this a promotional benifit is wrong, and until she uses her new found freedom to help those that gave her this... Im a terrible person for wanting her to make amends... yes. yor clearly not seeing the…
Nope, not good enough, Until you help those you hurt, you do not recover. Did she get paid for this spot? However you think I have no place to judge as she and her former family has picketted my friends, my brother in arms funerals, for their right to do so? I don't want to take it out upon you, but until she comes back…
Until she helps a fallen Soldier, or Troop, no excuse for her blind hate. Oh I am sorry former blind hate. Don't talk about it be about it.
Have to remember that the time you weight in is important. Best time is right when you wake up this is when your dehydrated. You can gain 5 pounds thought the day, do get discouraged, get busy. I hope I helped, plus if your exercising your on the right path.
-\\\And if you own a car, you are hurting the enviroment.
If you do as many as you can every hour your awake you can knock them out fast. Set a alarm to go off every hour :)
Ensure you have the proper shoes to run. I have some terrible feet and have to get certain shoes to run well. Go to wal-mart and get your feet checked out by the dr scholls machine. or Good Luck!
Ello, if ya want add me.