It's awesome! I got really toned from it. @rkp3974
I have tried it and didn't really see any results.
I know that when I want my boyfriend to do things like this he whines until the day of. He just gets nervous that it won't be fun and gets angry. My theory is that if they don't want to go, don't make them. It makes it less fun for you.
I could always use some more friends (:
Thank you guys!! These are awesome tips
Thank you!! @luckydays27
Ok thank you for your help! I will definitely do that! @need2exerc1se
I want to get down to 115 which is where I was before my weight gain. I haven't been counting calories because I'm just starting out. I gained about 65 pounds in less than a year because I find time to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don't eat unhealthy but I can definitely eat healthier! Sorry about my ticker, I…
- this one seems like it gives you a lot of info. @chief_rocka
Thank you! I have talked to my doctor and she said to try and eat healthier but I'm going to get a second opinion.
My mom has MS aand I was busy taking care of her and my biological father was in prison so sorry I didn't have time to take care of myself. @BFDeal
I will try that! My only problem is that I can count calories and all of that but nothing seems to help. I've read that my body probably went into starvation mode and now tries to store most anything I eat. I just don't know how to fix that.
Thank you!! @chief_rocka!
I would love some friends!
A lot of different cereals has surprised me! Sooo much sugar!
I am at 165 and looking to get down to 120-130! I am so motivated looking at all of your posts on here! You all are awesome.