

  • After my massive binge last night, I really needed to read these posts. Feeling very out of control at the moment and have no idea why. Everything in my life is awesome - good job, supportive partner, finishing Masters, good friends and family. Went to bed last night to stop the binge. But that was only after I had gone to…
  • I make a batch of muffins to get me through the week. Really nice ones with frozen berries, rolled oats and yoghurt. Grab one as I'm racing out the door.
  • You have both done really well. Congrats!
  • Oh hey. This site will help you heaps with staying on track. Everyone is really nice. I saw a quote the other day that really rang true for me and thought you might appreciate it too: "If you find it hard to keep starting, stop quitting". Good luck. :-)
  • Really inspiring! Thanks everyone.
  • HI all, I'm from Perth and have lost 20 kilos over 2 years before joining this site with another 20 to go until goal. True, it hasn't been quick and that's mainly due to a number of relapses to my terrible eating habits. I work full time and study for my Masters part time so pretty busy. Also live alone so easy to not look…
  • Hi all, Studying for a Masters in Business Admin, undergrad completed years ago in Conservation Biology. Have always studied whilst holding down full-time employment. At the moment I manage a team of 17 staff so its all pretty full-on. My poor boyfriend will not see me for the next 5 days while I cram for exams. No time…
  • Perth! Feel free to add me. I've already sent requests to a few of you.
  • Perth, Western Australia. Hi! **waves madly from the most isolated capital city in the world**