

  • Yes i agree.. Have fun while working out so that u will enjoy it and not dread doing it.. I think to eat cakes once in a while is okay, as long you are not having them too often. Also do go for healthier alternatives, e.g. when i am craving for ice cream, I go for non fat yogurt added with fresh strawberries and…
  • as long you are working out, it's doesn't really matter if it's morning or evening. in your case, i will suggest you to work out at a time that is most convenient for u.
  • Me too, i also reached my target weight and all i am doing now is to still make sure i exercise as much as possible and having a balanced diet. my target now is to stay healthy and be strong. I do total body workouts to help tone my body, especially my abs and butt. I do use free weights as resistance so as to build lean…
  • To me, it's ok to snack as long your snacks are not bad one. Example, my snacks include nuts, yogurt, fruits. I like to eat a little at a time and try not to eat too muct at once. Try to spread out your snacking time and snacking amount may help too. Also do remember to drink water, because sometimes all our body need is…