kimk1999 Member


  • Age: 33 SW: 214 CW: 185 GW: 135 Goal for this week: 1 lb (considering I'm starting Wednesday and I officially weigh in / update mfp on Saturdays)
  • Sorry to hear. I meet with my surgeon tomorrow morning for my pre-op appointment. I'm scheduled for surgery this coming Monday. I have not heard if my insurance will approve or not, so that's my scary thing and I can understand your worry. My only real scheduled monthly appts was with the diet doctor. Good luck. Maybe call…
  • I was wondering the same thing as sasha. I haven't heard of the pouch test either. I'll be getting the lap band in less than two weeks. I can't wait!
  • Hi Theresa! Congratulations on the 50lb loss!! That's impressive. I'm here ready for the challenge too. I've been on a weight roller coaster for quite a number of years. I've lost weight with a trainer but when I stopped paying for the trainer it all came back and then some. I have tried the HCG diet, lost a bunch and then…
  • I just have to ask where do you live? Seeing rattlesnake, kangaroo, emu, reindeer and turtle is what made me wonder your location. I recognize that you're trying to be all encompassing, but those just struck me as odd. :smile: I'm in Florida (US) and do not have normal access to any of those meats. lol