

  • Do you think this is ok, or should i up my calories?
  • thank you, just reading through the post you linked. Do you think i will be eating too few calories, should i increase them, as i dont want to be stuck in starvation mode?
  • Thank you, any ideas on what weight loss i could expect as i was worried i wouldnt be eating enough? i was thinking about doing a VLCD for a couple weeks, exante to be exact as im likely to get a bigger loss i guess?
  • its really difficult to prepare a salad before i go due to time restraints and have tried doing it the night before and it goes soggy. Shouldnt weightwatchers meals be healthy? failing that is there anything else that i could take? What about a meal replacement shake?
  • had my first offical week 1 weigh in and I have lost a whopping 7lbs, sooooooo freaken happy right now :D:D:D:D
  • was surprised to read about ready meals? is this the case even for weight watchers? i have bought enough to last me the month so dont really have much choice of other stuff to eat now :( i had a sneaky weigh in this morning (was gonna wait till tomorrow, as would have been a week then) and i have lost 4lbs this week and i…
  • Turns out my app was faulty. I deleted it and re-installed it and now it shows my calorie I take and showing I would lose weight. It's says I'm under eating by 200ish calories will this cause a huge problem? I don't want to eat for the sake of eating I need to lose the weight safely but I'm not exercising very much... Amy x