

  • Hey Everyone I hope your challenges are going well. Right after I made this challenge internet went out on us which is why I've been MIA. It took us (and the cable company) TWO weeks to figure out that the router has gone out. To make matters worse they don't even want to replace is... They want US to do it! Needless to…
  • Well, congrats friends and welcome back! One thing that is really helping me to keep up this time around is the fact that even if I "slip-up" instead of waiting an entire week or so to "start-over" and "start-FRESH" I START IMMEDIATELY! That along with finding alternatives for my favorite foods has really been helping. I…
  • I just found that blog this past saturday, truly inspirational!
    in Blogs Comment by Dnikkol September 2013
  • I'll start it off: 1. Reason Why you're joining the challenge: I'd like to be at my prepregnancy weight (or under) before my son's first birthday. 2. Starting weight & body measurements of targeted areas (*you can post pic here if you know how!) As of today, my weight is 182.6. I will take my measurements tomorrow! 3.…
  • Same here, I am a first time mom looking to lose the baby weight plus more. A few minor medical setbacks delayed my process but now that I am almost completely healed I'm getting more active each week! I don't usually make posts or keep up with recording my process so that will be my biggest challenge. My goal was to be…