JRoselee Member


  • The question....My very fit girlfriend told me to eat 1 banana or take a potassium supplement to cut down on my soreness and to stretch beyond the warm-up cool-down, especially because I am out of shape. I don't wanna get so sore that I stop. If push comes to shove I'll take a advil or a motrin, I'm pretty sure that will…
    in Sore? Comment by JRoselee December 2012
  • Oh Yeah! The second day is when it hit I was walking up the stairs at work and wow! Ouch!!!! So my dvd finally arrived and now I'll be able to see the workout a little better than from a small laptop screne. You are not alone. I lost 1lb. We can do this!
    in Sore? Comment by JRoselee December 2012
  • I DID IT! With modification but I'll keep trying. Day 1 Lvl 1. The first step. I just sighed relief. Getting back on the horse is not easy. One day........choice, at a time. :tongue:
  • Hey, you can add me. I am starting the 30 Day Shred today. Feel free to join me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve-WiQKi_W8 Someone posted the link to youtube if you do not have a copy. Started a group 30 Day Shredder I thought it would be something that would help keep me and hopefully others motivated throughout the 30…
    in Hey!! Comment by JRoselee December 2012
  • I am starting today. Later (3:21am) My order from amazon has not come yet but the whole thing is on youtube. I keep reading about how dificult it is....but I should of thought about that while I was eating those cookies. I need to get healthy.
  • I will try to lose 5lb by Xmas. I have decreased my calories, increased my meals and water intake. A Christmas Challenge sounds like just what I need to help me avoid the cookies and the buns in the mall.
  • First I would book a vacation in the mountains that included a zipline, a hot tub, some hiking,fishing, a canoe, a deck with a view, and a grill. (city girl) Then I would buy a gym membership for one of my closest friends so we could workout together.
  • I am on day 16 of Power 90 and I also list it as circuit training on MFP. You may be burning that much, you can adjust it down. The site takes your weight and amount of time working and does the math. (Does It?)
  • Got mine on sale at Kmart...Weider brand. Less than $10. Serves their purpose.
  • I just started Power 90. Completed the prep week and now I have 88 days to go. Just keep pushing play. It is not as easy as I thought it would be, I watched the workout when it first arrived. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I'm in. :drinker: SW: 213lbs. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I think I better not even think about the weekend and begin on Tuesday, when I return to work otherwise I will make myself crazy. but I will exercise.