

  • Hi everyone, love to be added to your friends list. Still trying to figure this all out and would love to have advise and encouragment as well. Love to motivate and be motivated with new friends from all over the US, so let me hear from you.
  • Hi there I am new to this site as well. I live in GA but am originally from a small town in NC. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Me too Coyla, I think taking it slow is better for the body too. I am just impatient in what I want to achieve but I just take deep breaths and work at it one day at a time. I started out finding myfitnesspall on my recently purchased Ipod Touch and am going to track it that way as well as online. I just type faster when…
  • I know it is a long road Phil but feel you have the drive to get that 6 pack. I like your quote in your tag line "Anything is achievable if you want it enought", might have to call on you for more encouraging words.
  • Thanks SassyStef, I will add you to my list of "growing" friends or should I say shrinking.......oh well. I am glad to the success stories and for you keep up the great work, seems like you are doing all the right things. I need friends like you to keep me motivated. Have a great New Years Day!
  • You look awesome Phil, keep up the work outs. I am new as well and am excited about this website it really look like it will be a big help in tracking and following my progress.
  • Thanks, it is a new year and a new beginning. I know for one I am looking forward to 2011 and the new body!