LadyKatarina Member


  • Woo Hoo Long Term Post-op sister! April 2001 here, and I am in the EXACT same boat. We are considered fantastic success stories, keeping 75% off...but I know how you feel, getting that 25% back is so frustrating. I'm back on board and trying to take off 35 lbs, although I'm not limiting my timeframe to 3 months. Good luck…
  • My husband and I are 16 years apart. (I'm 31) In our case, he already has kids, and I have never wanted to have children of my own, so it is different for are not a factor. However, it is really a shame that you would let go of the best relationship you've ever had because you think 40 is too old for someone to…
  • This is offensive to Dr.s.
  • Polar FT7T....That is what I have..I LOVE it. It tracks workouts, calculates your calories based on gender/age/weight/height, and is a great motivation to me..I want to see a certain number of calories burned in my workout, so I kick it up a notch! I hope you enjoy it. I say a HRM is TOTALLY worth the a decent…
  • You can buy it from, through a Zumba instructor (if they place orders for their students) or online through ebay or Amazon (which is just re-selling it from It is not sold in stores as far as I know. ~Self described Zumba nut~ Kat
  • This, unfortunately is VERY true, even without considering all of the liquid calories the alcohol adds to your diet, the emotional changes and reasons you became obese in the first place make it very easy to lose control if you start drinking again.
  • I love Zumba (as is obvious from the fact that all of my pictures on MFP are Zumba class pics! I take Zumba class in person 4 times a week. The DVDs are fun, but I find I put more effort into it when there are other people around...tougher to slack off or stop moving! On average I burn about 650 calories in a 1 hour Zumba…
  • Sure, count me in. Looks like I'm the longest term post op posting here so far. 10 year post op from RnY gastric bypass. :) Kat
  • Hi All, This thread is cracking me up...this is my first post on here. I have put WAY too many liquid calories into my body over the past two years, and this past weekend I got into a snit. I decided I needed to get onto MFP and actually start using this website, and get back on the diet track. I'm currently about 25 lbs…
  • That would be 4lbs per week. Sure..You could do that. It will be mostly water and muscle loss, and will quickly be put right back on. 15 to 20 lbs lost in a single month is absolutely not a healthy goal to set unless you are obese and have a lot to lose (more you have to lose, the faster you will lose weight at first).…
  • That is approximately 1.75 lbs lost per week between now and Halloween. 1 to 2 lbs per week weight loss is a safe rate for healthy weight loss that can be yes, I would definitely say losing 19 lbs in the next 11 (ish) weeks is possible. ~Kat
  • A cold grilled marinated veggie medley Whole wheat cous cous salad (chilled) Fresh farmstand ripe tomatoes with very thinly sliced onion, tossed in a light Greek Dressing (Light Gazebo Room) Angel food cake with fresh berries and fat free whipped cream ~Kat
  • I totally agree with the above post. I have the exact same HRM. (Polar FT7) It tracks my calories, Heart Rate, keeps track of the length of time I exercise...I love it. Best $75 I spent on exercise related items. I would highly recommend it One very small downside, the sound of the beep to keep your heart in the target…
  • AAhh! The Arc Trainer is my favorite cardio machine! It is similar to an elliptical machine, but has a gliding "arc" shaped path, meaning your legs swing back and forth smoothly instead of an elliptical oblong shape. I find the Arc Trainer is MUCH easier on my knees than an elliptical, but still gives a fantastic lower…
  • (Not a professional here) Using a Basal Metabolic Rate calculator, based on your age, height, and weight, your body needs about 1355 calories just to keep you alive. If your activity level is "LOW", meaning you work a desk job and don't exercise, you would maintain your current weight if you ate about 1626 calories per…
  • Secretly Delicious Spinach Pie I use whole wheat tortilla, turkey bacon, replace some of the whole eggs with egg whites or egg substitute and use low fat cheese. With a big dollop of salsa, this is a delicious light dinner, or perfect breakfast, and a good…
  • I put in moderate intensity to my Zumba classes about 4 times per week, my best friend Alexis is the instructor so I know the routines pretty well. I have a Heart Rate Monitor set to my weight, age and gender, and on average I burn between 550 to 650 calories from start to finish in a 60 minute class including the cooldown…
  • Tonight was a record for me: 773 calories burned in 1 hour of Zumba. woot!
  • Schlabetsy, I did, I had tummy tuck and breast lift two years after gastric bypass. I had to pay out of pocket, but it was money well spent. Unfortunately I never got the money to get the back done (lower body lift), but I'd still like to do that.
  • Hi! Roux En Y Gastric Bypass LONG term post op, here. I had surgery April 20, 2001 (Celebrated my 10 year re-birthday this year with a fantastic Zumba class party with friends). My starting weight was 340, at age 20. I was down to 155 at my lowest weight about 7 years ago..and I have gone back and forth about 35/40 lbs up,…
  • I'm a 10 year post op. I've regained/lost/regained some of the last 35/40 lbs from my lowest weight, but overall, I've kept at least 150 lbs off. I'm currently up about 35 from my lowest post surgery weight, and I'm annoyed, and working to get back on track. I'm well past the time when my gastric bypass helps with weight…
  • Yes, yes Yes. TRY IT...but try at least 3 classes before you decide what you think. The first class can be stressful, as you are just trying to figure out the steps. The second class, you start to recognize some of the moves, and can feel a little less awkward. By the 3rd class, I know I was hooked. I put in low/moderate…
  • I put in low/moderate intensity to my Zumba classes about 4 times per week, my best friend Alexis is the instructor so I know the routines pretty well. I have a Heart Rate Monitor set to my weight, age and gender, and on average I burn between 550 to 650 calories from start to finish in a 60 minute class including the…