

  • Awesome thanks jackien2js
  • My TDEE is 2200 for a day where I dont do any exercise, I am aiming to eat 1500 (as that is my BMR) a day and do a workout of around 800 a day, leaving me with a deficit of 1500, for a short time.. What I want to know is if I put my net calorie goal on MFP at 2200 (since that is what I need to eat to keep my weight at the…
  • So when it comes to setting MFP to tell me exactly how many calories I am in deficit that I set my goal calories to be 2200 (which is my TDEE), that way when I do exercise and eat at the end of the day the calories remaining will show my deficit. At the moment it is set to my BMR which is 1500 as my calorie goal. But if I…
  • Yeah, I get what you mean about extremes, I am not planning on sustaining it, only for the next 4 weeks (christmas time, I know I know). So dont eat below BMR, cool. So if I were shooting for 1500 calorie deficit then eat my 1500 calories for my BMR and to stay healthy, that leaves a deficit of 700, so work out 800 at the…
  • Thanks guys. I was putting my TDEE at sedentary because I go from one extreme to the other. On my work out days I go for between 1-2 hours of pretty hard cardio, or a mix of 1 hour cardio and 30min intense weights/resistance. On my rest days I am pretty much doing nothing, just working at my desk, sitting on the bus,…
  • This link helps you to work out your TDEE and you can set it pretty much to the minute for the different exercises you are doing so it is pretty accurate, it might help you if you are unsure what to put when the options are so broad http://www.health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced
    in TDEE Comment by misshendry November 2012
  • Trying to lose 14kg, its a slow road! Um, im a bit of a novice so what does TDEE mean?
  • That is so cool! Thanks for the advice ladies, and sorry I have to bug you with what seems like pretty simple stuff. Its my first time trying to get my head around it all. One last question, I worked out my basal metabolic rate just then at 1532, so I am eating 1200 cal a day and exercising 1000cal a day, so on…
  • So you mean that even just eating 1200 calories a day and not exercising I would still be losing weight? 1200cal was what the programme set for me as a default i think when i first started, is that goal of 1200 what i should be eating if i wanted to lose, so if i over ate, like ate 1700 calories that day with no exercise…
  • How does getting into the red of approx 500 maintain current weight? I thought if you broke even at 0 give or take a few calories that would be maintenance. I have had a couple days where my calories remaining were like 564 in the red and I felt so bummed that I was gaining weight
  • Ok cool, so pretty much if all I am interested in is what my calorie deficit for the day is then just focus on calories remaining and ignore net calories? If I am in the green then I am losing weight, if I am in the red I am gaining? Nice and simple, thanks girls, that was just the clarification I needed!
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