melicr Member


  • When I"m 140 people have told me that I look like 110 lbs :s give us tall girls a break! :D Now I just have some fat to lose... and I'm working on it ...
  • I'm 5'9 and 153 right now. I agree with the fact that I need to tone up, but I know I have some "extra" fat in my belly that I'm sure weights a little bit lol. I do workout 3-4 times a week, mostly I do circuit training with weights and also do some running, nothing more that 5K though. So lose and tone will be great for…
  • I'm in!!! Just lose 5 in January .. I just need to lose 5 more and that will be it ") Let do it !!
  • I'm just under 5' 9" my goal is 140-142 that is perfect for me. I'm currentlyat 154lbs ( have a 6 month old baby) . A couple of summers ago went down to 135 and I looked HORRIBLE ! Way to skinny for me ") gaining weight in a healthy way was almost as hard as losing weight.
  • 5'8" Pre- prego 146 size 4. My baby is 7 weeks old now I'm 158 and I fit ina size 6 ") working to go back to my size 4 ( 7 juniors) jean ")
  • I'm a mom of a 4 1/2 and a 7 week old baby and full time worker.. I work out at 8-9 pm. Good for me working out does not distrub my sleeping time... after working out I can go from the shower to bed and fall a slepp right on the spot :smile:
  • Hi new mom here too.. well with my second, 6 weeks ago.. I want to lose 18 lbs (12 lbs will put me in my pre-prego weight). I also workout during my pregnancy and started working out 2 weeks ago. "I want to get back in shape not just lose weight "
  • I also just had a baby 6 weeks ago. I have 12lbs to go to my pre-prego weight.. buy I want go back to my weight in spring 2010 so Have 18 lbs to go ").. I started to workout 2 weeks ago and already I can see my body changing.. I know is going to take some time .. but we have to star in some point ") .. I just don't want to…