

  • I fretted that I had gained a few extra pounds during the holidays....Thank God I didn't! I felt it and still feel it! I felt that I looked like that I had, but when I weighed in, I was the same. When I tried on the new clothes that I had bought, I was still the same. Guess what? That's good and bad because I cheated…
  • Hello, I have a challenge also. I have lost 40 lbs. before joining fitness pal, my goal is to rid myself of another 40 and try to maintain...Good luck to all of us..........
  • Hi! I am new at this also. I haven't really dove into this yet because I don't understand what I am doing. Am I suppose to list everything that I have eaten during the day. And how do I or how does it calculate the calories? I have just thrown a few things in to see if I am doing it right. Can anyone guide me…