

  • Ooh, this! I've never tried protein powder myself but a lot of people say it's brilliant and good quality.
  • You don't need to eat conventional 'breakfast foods' for breakfast! :) I second eggs as a good source, and I've found that turkey, chicken and fish are excellent choices too. On days I have these, I usually go over on my protein :P Try slicing up chicken/turkey breast fillets and bringing them to work in a sandwich maybe,…
  • Unfortunately, I keep hearing there's no way to 'spot reduce' fat... like, you can't work out to lose weight on just the tummy, for example. I'm noticing too that I have little control over where and when the fat goes. Happily, though, I've noticed that I'm losing first where I gained last; so the face, hands, calves,…
  • If I wasn't so lazy, I'd be a famous novelist. If I wasn't a drop-out, I'd be in university right now. I'm working on both these things though :) I have the qualifications to go to university (dropped out of the first) and I'm working on a novel :D
  • I'm fat sort of because I have PCOS (insulin resistance is a pain), but mainly because before I knew I had PCOS I was eating huge portions, comfort eating due to depression, indulging in junk food instead of making healthy choices, and... yeah. I gained so much weight, especially around the belly, that me and my Mum were…
  • I worked for a while as a volunteer journalist, and while my colleagues were all awesome, some of the people I dealt with were... well... aggravating. Things I wish I could have said in that job without getting fired? 1. "Don't you dare complain to me that your piece isn't in! Our newspaper goes out on THURSDAY. You sent…
  • I think the first one looks way better - blue and white, is it? Both compliment your figure really well; I just like the pattern on the blue & white a lot more :P
  • Wrap a chicken fillet in prosciutto ham, sprinkle with a bit of dried, ground mixed herbs, then bake in the oven at 200C for 40 mins, turning it over half-way through. It's absolutely gorgeous :D You could look up the recipe for chicken arrabbiata (sp?) too, I'm sure there are low-cal versions and it's so tasty - basically…
  • I have 2 slices of bread a day, and on a rare occasion rice or, even rarer, pasta, but I make sure I always buy wholegrain bread, brown rice or wholegrain pasta. I'm doing okay with it ^_^
  • <--- Barnaby. Not a rescue pet, but she was bought from a shop with her sister, Boffin, who kept their rats in barely appropriate conditions - i.e. small and overcrowded cage, put on sawdust (which is bad for their respiratory systems), and not handled. They were SO skittish when I got them and now, after many months of…
  • I've had Claire Danes and Amy Lee (Evanescence)... but I don't think I look like either of them. Especially not now that I'm a wee bit bigger :P
  • That's great news :D So at least you know you're definitely getting somewhere ^_^ If you're doing weights/resistance more than anything it could be that you're gaining muscle as you're losing fat, hence the results - muscle is leaner. If this is the case, the fat should start dropping off eventually since more muscle = fat…
  • How on earth did the size 20s not fall off you?! That's amazing! I don't think I'll have such a joyous experience with pants sizes because of my gigantic hips, haha... go you! Enjoy the new pants, and I hope you reach your goal of size 12s soon :)
  • I am awesome because reasons
  • *facepalm* I actually never thought of buying them. I've only taken swimming up recently so it didn't really cross my mind. I'll see about it on Monday when I can get to Sports Direct :) Thanks for all your advice, guys! And I'll ask about swimming lessons when I go tomorrow as well :)
  • OMG I LOVE RUNNY YOLKS. Especially with a bit of wholemeal bread to dip into them!
  • My hair's about an inch past my bra strap now. It was longer, but I recently got it trimmed and the hairdresser took about two inches off. I've had it long since I was about 13, when I first started growing it out after a nasty experience with a hairdresser. My hair had been a couple of inches past shoulder length, I asked…
  • Funnily enough, I didn't much care for food until I started using MFP. I barely ate, and what I DID eat was crap. Now, I'm having a lot of fun learning to cook healthy stuff that tastes awesome. I actually shudder at the thought of deep-fried chips now, when I used to eat them for lunch every day in college. Food! Yay!
  • It might also be worth noting that some people believe fat goes first where it was gained last. For me, I gained weight in the stomach/waist, then the bum, hips and thighs, then calves, then chest and shoulders, then hands and face. After 20lbs, I've mainly noticed shrinkage around my hands and face (ring slipping off, no…
  • What she ^^^ said. You can never get away from people who are nasty for whatever reason; they'll always find something to have a dig at. What you have control of is how you let them affect you. It's natural to be upset, but also remember that ultimately what other people say has no bearing whatsoever on you. Plus fatness…
  • Wow - I'm gonna start diluting my OJ from now on. It'll be lower cal, and it'll last longer! Excellent considering I'm eating healthy on a tight budget! I was horrified by the calories in Morrisons' Tin Miner Pasties. I love the things but each one clocks in at 750 cals. I told my Dad this, and he still ate two! I'll have…
  • I draw, paint, write poetry prose and script, I knit a little bit (not very good at it yet though!) and I like to sew. I play guitar a wee bit too. I'm working on a novel right now (360 pages into it - should be about 1000 finished in first draft form) that I hope to illustrate, or even convert into a series of graphic…
  • It'll easily be something like a million calories. But just to check I'll do it again, log it three more times, then log all the calories burned eating back my exercise calories.
  • I'll have to log that I logged the shopping trip as well.
  • How many calories do I burn logging the calories that I burned logging the calories that I burned logging the calories that I burned whilst breathing?
  • Seconding all the people who say it's about trust. I'm lucky to have a fiancé who I can trust with pretty much anything, including my weight. He knows I'm a good two stone heavier than him and gets updated as to every tiny movement of the scale :') It's really down to how comfortable you feel letting your SO know your…