mscote12 Member


  • @rumswood Saturday would have been Level 1, day 9 for me, but I did a double workout on Friday so I opted for a rest day as well. Rest days are never a bad idea....gotta listen to our bodies.
  • Level 2 day 1...complete. Well, I was excited for a change and yep...I got one lol sweat dripping...shoulders on fire. Level 2 is no joke haha....looking forward to see how I feel as I keep going on this level because day 1 was rough!
  • Yesterday, I did my session with my trainer, came home and immediately did level 1, day 8. :smile: Today will be level 1, day 9 and I am SO ready to move on to level 2, not because I feel strong enough to or that level 1 is easy, because it is not...but I am bored with level 1 lol over it....ready for something different.…
  • Today for example, I have a session with my personal trainer...I am debating if I am going to use this workout as a replacement for day 8 or if I am going to go extreme and add level 1, day 8 on top of my session....I have not decided yet. We'll see....
  • Today is level 1, day 7....I am starting to get a little bored, I feel like I am still getting a workout-I am sweating and out of breath, but I think the routine is getting boring, I usually like to mix up my workouts from day to day...but I am so close to level 2, so I am keepin' on! I really want to make it all 30…
  • Tonight will be level 1, day 5....this thread is pretty dead...not sure I can get much motivation from here. Hoping to find an April one out there somewhere lol
  • Level 1, day 4 today....I am going to the gym to do my workout rather than at home...I am always more motivated at the gym than in my living room haha....
  • Is anyone just starting? Or perhaps starting another round? I have had this DVD for just about ever and I have attempted it before, made it to level 2 and then lost motivation. Being there is 30 days in April, I figured-why not try again and this time make it ALL THE WAY! haha I absolutely love Jillian and how hard she…
  • Thanks for all the input. I did try half a scoop of C4 this morning before my bootcamp class...the serving size is 1 scoop but I was a little nervous since I didn't know what to expect. I will try a full scoop next least it tastes good lol
  • @natashakassel956 Thank you for your input :smile: Good to hear from someone who uses the exact product I am about to try
  • Yes I do...if I find I am having trouble sleeping when using the pre-workout...I will make adjustments or stop using them, easy as that.
  • The one he recommended, which is the one I purchased is is not something I plan to use every single time I workout, just on those days that I know I should workout and I do not have the umph to get myself there...I work two jobs, 12/13 hours a day 3 days a week at desk jobs--those are the days I feel a preworkout…
  • Well, hopefully this one doesn't give me itchy or jittery feelings....I should get it Friday. I will probably try it Sunday morning before my bootcamp class...
  • ha I fell out of the routine as well...tomorrow I will be going to the gym and plan to do some running on the treadmill and then I am going to just pick one of the workouts to do...maybe dirty do something. Hopefully Monday I can start with day 1 again and stick to it. I know I keep saying at least I am…
  • I have been slacking over here....I think I may be fighting something, I am SO tired. Yesterday I tried to pick up where I left off and did total body cardio at the gym. Tonight I am doing upper body at the gym...I don't really need the dvds when I have the exercises and a stop watch. I have continued to walk on my breaks…
  • I didn't like the restriction either @tamred69 , that is why I stay within the calorie bracket they suggest (which also happens to be the one my nutritionist suggested) but I eat what I want, I just try to make sure I make good choices... Today should have been lower body, but I notice I do not do it well first thing in…
  • Yesterday I went to the gym and did the lower body workout...I printed it out and was able to get it done at the gym which I actually liked better than doing it at home lol Today I am out of work soon and heading straight to the gym, printed out the Cardio Fix exercises and I am going to get it done there :smile: I am…
  • @germany03 I have an hour left of work and I am ready to call it a day. I don't feel too bad about this morning because I did shovel and I did walk on my work breaks, so I am comfortable calling this an active recovery day :wink: I still managed to get over 10,000 steps all in all it wasn't a total loss.
  • Today was upper body...which I like. Tomorrow is lower body...and all those squats and lunges are no fun at 4:30am....
  • Total body cardio done...I almost didn't get up this morning but pushed through and managed to rock it out. It's Monday and it always seems a little harder to get out of bed on Mondays :wink: Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Hello!! I got married last June, so I get where you are coming from with wanting to get in shape for the big day....been there!! I log in everyday, I journal my food regularly and I post/comment as I feel if I am going to add someone as a friend on here, I am going to make an effort---and I expect the same in return. Feel…
  • Hello :smile: I just got married last June, so I totally know where you are coming from with the motivation to get fit for the big day. Feel free to throw me an add if you want, I am pretty active on this site and am happy to support/motivate you if I can :smiley:
  • I have been on here for awhile now...and I am always happy to have more friends. We are all here for the same reason and we all need support! Anyone is welcome to throw me an add. I log in everyday, I journal my food regularly and I post/comment fairly often :smiley:
  • Hey! I got married last June, so I absolutely know where you are coming from. I also have a yo-yo past with my is a constant battle. Feel free to throw me an add. I log in everyday, I journal my food regularly and I also try to comment and post fairly often...I figure if I am going to have friends on here,…
  • Hey all! I have been on here for awhile now...and I am always happy to have more friends. We are all here for the same reason and we all need support! Anyone is welcome to throw me an add. I log in everyday, I journal my food regularly and I post/comment as I feel if I am going to add someone as a friend on here, I am…
  • Dirty 30 is def one of my favorite workouts in the program. That was done this morning, but I work at my part time job today so there was no need to wake up at was actually 6:30 lol yay for 2 extra hours! Thursday I decided instead of Pilates to run for 2 miles as it's been awhile since I have done that.…
  • Day 3 done! Ugh....lower body fix is not easy first thing in the morning lol tomorrow is Pilates which for me is the hardest workout...can't wait for that :wink: haha
  • Day 2 down! I love the upper body fix workout. I have to be at work for 6am as well which is my reasoning for the 4:30am workouts lol I struggle with motivating myself after work so it's best if I get it out of the it sets the bar for my day :smile:
  • Day 1 was this morning for me :smile:
  • Day 1 of the 21DF in the books. Alarm went off at 4:15 and I was in my living room rocking out total body cardio by has been a while since I have forced myself out of bed that early to get a workout done, but I am happy I managed to do it! Hopefully I can continue :smile: