

  • i've had AWESOME insanity results. i am about to start again on monday to lose my last 15-20 before christmas.
  • honestly, i've done 20lbs in that amount of time by doing insanity and following the meal plan. june 4th i was 175 myself and in 6 weeks lost 20lbs by doing insanity!! honestly its the only thing that ever worked for you can definitely do it!! i'm starting an insanity challenge group on monday if you would want to…
  • hey! i know with two little kids myself getting up to workout in the am was the hardest thing for me! but once I made myself do it for about a week, it did get easier! have you ever tried joining a group of people on facebook that hold you accountable? i'm starting an insanity (the workout) challenge group and we will…
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