
Hey All -
I used to be (as in within 1 year) pretty big into running. Around 50 miles a month, give or take. Fast forward 1 year later, and I just lost any desire to run, or really do any kind of exercising. I will go for a day or two, then not do anything for a week or more. Weight wise, I'm probably up about 10 lbs since this time last year; mainly because I tried to eat really well during the work week, then sort of slack off on the weekends - it could be much worse.
What do you do to get motivated? I always intend to get up with my wife at 5:45 and head to the basement to run or lift, or even run outside. But I always make piss poor excuses like "or our 2 year old came into our bed and was tossing and it kept me up" or "I was up until 10:45 - gotta get 8 hours or else!". It really sucks, because, after 32 years, I am sick and tired of being self conscious.
Ideas to get my *kitten* outta bed? Or to workout at all? I have a typical 9-5 desk job, with little commute.


  • hey! i know with two little kids myself getting up to workout in the am was the hardest thing for me! but once I made myself do it for about a week, it did get easier! have you ever tried joining a group of people on facebook that hold you accountable? i'm starting an insanity (the workout) challenge group and we will create a facebook group and keep each other on track and accountable for getting our workouts in and getting results. i'm personally not a morning person, but my husband gets up every morning at 545 to get ready for work and i figure if he can get little sleep and still get up, so can i! so he wakes me up and i do it, and i make way better decisions throughout the day!! best of luck!!
  • JayRod2519
    JayRod2519 Posts: 27 Member
    I try to tell my wife to wake me up, but she is too soft, as in " wake up" - "No" - "okay then". This morning, I actually woke up with her alarm; I stayed in bed, but was awake. I think of it as a baby step!