

  • I am absolutely in love with TF. I started out doing TurboKick at my local 24H, and learned about it through there. I am currently on week 10 and have lost 2 inches on each thigh, about 8 pounds and have less belly fat. I think it's a lot of fun, i love the dance elements, and Chalene is so motivating and inspirational. I…
  • I stay motivated to workout by finding the right type of exercises that are fun for me. I found a fun dancy-kickboxing class that I cannot get enough of and also stay motivated by going to group classes at 24H so that the people around me keep me pumped up. Find what works for you - if you are motivated by those around you…
  • I would focus on doing weight training on your legs. Obviously eat clean and continue what you're doing now, but do squats, plyometrics, and other exercises that focus on your lower half. I'm pear shaped too so that's what has worked for me these past two months and I've lost 2 inches on each thigh. Good luck!
  • If you're comfortable in it, and you think it would improve your workout then why not!? I agree with other people, as long as you're wearing appropriate bottoms then I think you're good to go. Good for you for having that confidence!
  • I've never heard of Body Revolution, but I am starting week 7 of TF and I LOVE IT. I wish all my friends did it with me. It's very dancey, and Chalene is a great motivator. At the end of 4 weeks I lost an inch on each of my thighs and 3 pounds. I also have been putting on muscle and have lost a lot of belly fat too. I…
  • I'm finishing up week 5 of TurboFire but I love having friends who are doing the same! Feel free to add me!
  • Thanks for starting this thread! It's awesome! Started out one month ago at 26", currently at 25". Working on getting on making them strong and muscular!
  • I'll be starting week 4 tomorrow. Is it too late to join? I love the motivational aspect of a group so I hope there's still space!
  • I am about to start week 2 tomorrow and I love it! I did TurboKick at 24 Hour Fitness so when I saw the deal for TurboFire I jumped on it. I feel pretty accustomed to the moves already because they're pretty much the same as TBK. I haven't seen much weight loss but I am feeling more fit, energetic, and stronger. Gonna keep…
  • I don't, but I just started TurboFire and I was excited that you mentioned it :)