Turbo fire or Body revolution?

Hi all! i'm new here, i actually have had an account for awhile but i never used it! I am trying to lose 40 lbs/ 20kk, prolly by August or end of 2013, my progress is relatively slow since my diet can be quite bad and i have a problem eliminating carbs and eating clean. :/ it'd be great if i could find someone who i can motivate and feel motivated around, so if you need a workout/motivation buddy, i'm all ears! ;)

anyways, i am actually currently doing my insanity workout and it's ending 2nd week of Jan next year! the problem is, when it ends, i don't know what to do! i've never been committed to anything and since this is my very first commitment, i'm quite upset i have to say goodbye to insanity. However, i've been looking at Turbo fire and body revolution by Jillian Michaels and i'm not sure which i should go for.. Any suggestions? have you guys tried this workout? i'd really love to hear what you guys have to say about this workout! <3


  • dbrooks82
    dbrooks82 Posts: 46 Member
    I have never done insanity but I have TurboFire. I am getting ready to start it back up again after the new year i think, never completed it yet. I do absolutely love it though!! Stopped for personal reasons but am very excited to start it again. I think you would enjoy it!!
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I did Insanity for the 60 days. . . I won't tell you my results. I will tell you to do your best to diet while doing Insanity or you won't be happy at the end of the 60 day challenge.
  • SitiH
    SitiH Posts: 5 Member
    thanks guys! i'll probably do turbo fire cuz it seems so fun, reminds me of zumba a little! and i'll definitely try about the diet, i didn't lose much too i'm guessing its the diet problem! thank you all!
  • I've never heard of Body Revolution, but I am starting week 7 of TF and I LOVE IT. I wish all my friends did it with me. It's very dancey, and Chalene is a great motivator. At the end of 4 weeks I lost an inch on each of my thighs and 3 pounds. I also have been putting on muscle and have lost a lot of belly fat too. I recommend taking pics and measurements because if I only knew that I lost 3 pounds, I would be upset. But seeing photos and measurements makes me thankful for the changes.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Turbo fire is mainly cardio. BR is mixture of weights and cardio. There is also Chalean Extreme whichbiscmainly weights. Some people to a plan called the Chalean Extreme/. Turbofire hybrid.
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    I do a Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire hybrid and love it. I mainly do the Turbo Fire Starter Low Impact HIITs because I was concerned about my knees but there is always a low impact modifier even in the high impact workouts.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I own both. They are very different workouts. Turbo Fire is much more cardio based. You could definitely hybrid them.
    :). I mix up Insanity, TF and JMBR right now.
  • SitiH
    SitiH Posts: 5 Member
    chaLEAN extreme seems fun too tho, been checking it out, but i only owe a pair of dumbbells... :/ mixing it up sounds fun. maybe turbo fire and chaLEAN? haha! too much to choose from!