Brighamy Member


  • Have a look at this website: and listen to the audio clip about the fat loss philosophy they adopt - in a nut shell it is "Eat like the thinner person you want to be" You use their site calculators to work out how many calories you would eat at your goal weight, and start eating that amount now. I…
  • Thanks for the replys. Just been into tesco, and bought a bag of sugarsnap peas and a bag of carrot batons to munch on - certainly more filling than my fruit on a volume basis!
  • Hi there I also suffered badly with shin splints, and after much research discovered ther were various factors causing them, the main one being trying to do too much too soon. First off - invest in a really good pair of trainers, from a shop where they look at your walking/running motion and advise on your needs. Secondly…