

  • What an idiot reply, so you know one person who is a vegan and id boring and underweight and your using that as an argument to not do it? I know plenty of meat eaters who are underweight and boring, so does that mean everyone that people should eat meat either? You can be perfectly healthy while being a vegan, the same as…
  • I havnt read it but it sounds alot like how I eat, fresh natural produce as much as possible. I do sometimes treat myself but if you eat well and nourish your body the odd treat wont affect it, its only if it becomes a bad habit hen it will. I hate how everyone advocates "eat what you like as long as its in your calorie…
  • My old house mate took them, and she always had bad tummy and anal leakage, almost lost her job because she had to call in sick all the time. And it didn't matter what she ate, so in the end she ate what she wanted and just pooped it all out, some seriously disordered behavior there, no different to laxative abuse for her
  • Most of my bucket list is places I want to go Doing Eurorail with my sister this summer Setting up my own business Going to Iceland with BF (Aurora borealis) Planning trip to Australia with best friend Planning on backpacking around SE Asia Also want to visit Peru and more of eastern europe!
  • I'm the same as you, cant stand fake meat, its so processed! I make hash browns with onions and cauliflower instead of potato, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, you can make your own version of baked beans that dont contain as much sugar, I make mushroom and garlic burgers from scratch but instead of forming them into burger…
  • I used to know this girl who used to spend literally hours at the gym lifting tiny weights, and although she saw improvement so did I lifting as heavy as I could. Only takes me 15 mins to do my daily weights, and I dont look like the hulk. Woman bulking is such a myth, only if you are eating big or supplementing are you…
  • Protein is protein, eat which ever you like and fits in with your lifestyle better. Some plant proteins are harder to absorb, but by combining them with different foods this can be improved, but thats the same as some vitamins and minerals (for example I read that there is a compound in those nasty white bits on oranges…
  • A diet isnt just a diet while you are trying to lose weight, take all that you learnt on your weight loss jounrey and start a lifestyle change! Sure your maintaining now, so treat yourself sometimes, but if you eat cheese everyday your gonna be back here in 6 months trying to lose it all again
  • I used to be a massive coffee drinker, but gave it up and now love green tea. However if you enjoy it and your arent drinking it in access I dont see any reason why you should give it up! Isnt coffee only harmful to your health if you drink too much of it?
  • I pretty sure this myth was created when they tried to bring out that "grapefruit" diet. Anything that claimed you can just add one type of food into your diet and miraculously lose weight is full of it, dont you think if that was the case everyone would just eat grapefruit and look like supermodels? Where did you read…
  • Try making green smoothies, its when you make a normal smoothie but add lots of green leafy veg into it. They look a little weird (because most of the time they really are bright green) but adding even a little fruit in usually covers the taste of the veg. I used to make a kick *kitten* tropical smoothie with loads of…
  • As an animal behaviourist the first thing we are told to do if animals are having any kind of health or behavioural issues in captivity is to look at how they live in naturally and then see if their captive lifestyle is depriving them of the diet or natural behaviours they would express. I dont care hoe far people think we…
  • I used to track my carbs religiously, but unless you are aiming to get into ketosis then going over your carb percentage by eating green leafy veggies shouldnt worry you at all. No one is going to get fat eating brocolli! The carbs you should be making sure you watch out for is things like bread, pasta, potatoes etc etc,…
  • I workout on only coffee and fat then have pea protein powder and more fat after (I use coconut oil)
  • I LOVE coconut oil, just by adding it into my diet I've lost a ton of body fat! Most of my friends still buy into the whole Low fat diet crap and dont believe me that eating more fat leads to fat loss, but thats their problem not mine! I mix mine with cocoa powder and pea protein to make a pre and post workout "porridge"…
  • Seems most of your sugar is coming from fruit, cut down on that or do as said above dont worry about it
  • yeah plus it takes alot of land and water to grow food to feed a cow who then feeds a human. The thinking is why not eat the crop yourself. Guess it doesnt work if you like a nice juicy stake tho. I'm just a massive tree hugger incase you didnt notice :p
  • I'd just like to point out that some people don't eat meat, or at least cut down their consumption due to environmental concern, and while you say its nobody's business but your own what you eat, and that's true to a degree, the state of our planet affects us all. While I dont think eating meat is wrong, I do think the…
  • I'm a freegan (not 100% vegan since its impossible 100% of the time) and think we are being poorly represented if people cant actually back up these so called facts with any real evidence. I mean, documentaries, come on! Next you will be quoting PETA and wikipedia.
  • While you will lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume during a day there are a lot of interesting theories that a calorie is not just a calorie. A study was undertaken during the second world war by Keys to investigate the effects of starvation. Volunteers were placed on a diet consisting of 1570 calories a…
  • i low carb, but thats because if I eat too many carbs it makes me feel sluggish and quite unwell. I was always back and forward to the doctors and they couldnt find anything wrong with me, so I put myself on an elimination diet to see if it was something I was eating and found that refined carbs make me feel like hell. I…
  • Since coming to uni I live off £5 a week. Dont eat any meat products instead use dried beans for my protein and buy in bulk when I can. The supermarkets are terrible here, and we dont have a farmers market or anything like that close enough to visit. I pretty much live off lentil curry.
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