Vegan lifestyle and Awareness about what we're eating!



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    From Horizon Dairy's website:

    Does Horizon organic single serve milk need refrigeration?
    Single serve milk is packaged in individual aseptic containers and will keep at room temperature, unopened, up to seven months or until the date code. This extended shelf life is possible due to ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization. UHT pasteurization and special aseptic packaging keep single serve products fresh and safe without refrigeration. Once opened, the More…

    Are Horizon products pasteurized?
    Yes. Pasteurization is the process of heating milk to make it safe from harmful bacteria and to increase its longevity. For our half gallon and gallon products, Horizon uses both high-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization, and ultra-pasteurization (UP). HTST milk is labeled “pasteurized,” while UP milk is labeled “ultra-pasteurized.” Aside from the fact that UP milk More…

    UHT pasteurization is not something outside the mainstream. If your milk claims to be good for weeks or months from now when you look at the expiration date, this is why.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    From Horizon Dairy's website:

    Does Horizon organic single serve milk need refrigeration?
    Single serve milk is packaged in individual aseptic containers and will keep at room temperature, unopened, up to seven months or until the date code. This extended shelf life is possible due to ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization. UHT pasteurization and special aseptic packaging keep single serve products fresh and safe without refrigeration. Once opened, the More…

    Are Horizon products pasteurized?
    Yes. Pasteurization is the process of heating milk to make it safe from harmful bacteria and to increase its longevity. For our half gallon and gallon products, Horizon uses both high-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization, and ultra-pasteurization (UP). HTST milk is labeled “pasteurized,” while UP milk is labeled “ultra-pasteurized.” Aside from the fact that UP milk More…

    UHT pasteurization is not something outside the mainstream. If your milk claims to be good for weeks or months from now when you look at the expiration date, this is why.
    Okay, what's your point? O.o
  • Ravepixie87
    I'm a freegan (not 100% vegan since its impossible 100% of the time) and think we are being poorly represented if people cant actually back up these so called facts with any real evidence.
    I mean, documentaries, come on! Next you will be quoting PETA and wikipedia.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    QUOTE: wait wait wait... so we're being rude and mean?

    I never said anyone was being rude and mean. I said that it can stir up rancor (bitterness, ill-will, drama). I am merely encouraging the OP to join others who want to discuss the fine-tuning of vegan diets.

    Rancor, someone with a grudge (, people with grudges are rude and mean (at least I am when I hold one) so yes. That's what I read from the word, at no point have I been rude or suggested I have a grudge against vegetarians (from the piece quoted I pointed out I had friends who are vegetarians). Maybe I just take things too literally?

    I wasn't suggesting anyone here was being rude and mean. I was suggesting that these threads have a tendency to devolve and get nasty. I have seen this happen many times since I joined here a year ago.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I agree with you, SaraUK2sf.
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    I agree with you, SaraUK2sf.

    It was a joke, my god. I eat vegetables as well. I know many vegan/vegetarians. I wasn't aware that debating about what each other eats was a serious, life or death matter. I'll leave you to it.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I agree with you, SaraUK2sf.

    It was a joke, my god. I eat vegetable as well. I know many vegan/vegetarians. I wasn't aware that debating about what each other eats was a serious, life or death matter. I'll leave you to it.

    I've seen this image more times than I can count on these vegan threads. Repetitive things cease to be funny.
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    I agree with you, SaraUK2sf.

    It was a joke, my god. I eat vegetable as well. I know many vegan/vegetarians. I wasn't aware that debating about what each other eats was a serious, life or death matter. I'll leave you to it.

    I've seen this image more times than I can count on these vegan threads. Repetitive things cease to be funny.

    Forgive me for not amusing you. I tend to avoid these threads for this very reason.
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    Iron, countering g00dm0rning's post on Sat 11/17/12 04:17 PM was my point.

    That quote: "Also, just to point out UHT pastuerization is not typically used for the milk that normal consumers buy. It's often used in food preparation in places like fast food restaurants and allows the milk to remain unspoiled at room temperature."

    And your comment that you perceived my post to support pasteurization as "safe". I believe the OP's comments on packaged milk to have originated from a concern with UHT, which is being used more and more, even in organic milk, which some people choose as a healthier alternative. I grew up on lots of pasteurized milk and don't have any evidence that there is a problem with the basic act of pasteurization...but that not what we typically have as an option in the grocery store.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I agree with you, SaraUK2sf.

    It was a joke, my god. I eat vegetables as well. I know many vegan/vegetarians. I wasn't aware that debating about what each other eats was a serious, life or death matter. I'll leave you to it.

    A very bad joke.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I agree with you, SaraUK2sf.

    It was a joke, my god. I eat vegetable as well. I know many vegan/vegetarians. I wasn't aware that debating about what each other eats was a serious, life or death matter. I'll leave you to it.

    I've seen this image more times than I can count on these vegan threads. Repetitive things cease to be funny.

    Forgive me for not amusing you. I tend to avoid these threads for this very reason.

    Probably for the best.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    forks over knives is a great documentary if you haven't seen it. i try to get my milk and eggs from local farms, i have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for about 10 years. i have been thinking about cutting dairy out though, just because it is expensive to get the really good stuff and even then, you don't know how "cage free" those animals really are. eating a raw plant based diet can reverse a lot of health problems, and overall is very good for you, as long as you are eating enough of the nutrients you need.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Don't get your panties in a bunch, it's called a sense of humor.

    Nice edit.....too late though. And I would beg to differ.

    I was removing it since it offended. Now that you're being hostile towards me, I'm not as concerned. Seriously...

    Ironic post is ironic - please see your first and then edited post - lolz
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Where did you get that she said people are rude and mean from? VoV was just suggesting a group that may be beneficial to the OP.

    Agreed, I thought VoV's response was very polite and thoughtful. OP, on the other hand, has not bothered to return and defend the fact that she's trying to inform us of the terrible evils of milk while at the same time having dairy in her food journal.

    Yes, VoV, I appreciate how you share your perspective and are willing to participate in respectful conversation. I've certainly learned a lot from you in these forums.

    Anyway, about antibiotics...
    Cows that are treated with antibiotics for mastitis have ALL of their milk WITHHELD from consumption until there are no detectable levels of antibiotics in the milk. There is a positive correlation between cows that produce more milk and the incidence of mastitis, which is a bacterial infection in the udder. Most cows don't have this, and farmers do everything they can to keep the udders of their cows healthy. Farmers who violate this and let antibiotics into their bulk tanks would be penalized very very heavily for it, so they don't do it.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Calcium isn't what's stopping me from going vegan. I would do it in a heartbeat if I thought there was a chance I could do it without sacrificing protein or totally carbing out on grains/legumes. If anyone knows how I can get at least 120 g of protein a day without going over 120 carbs while eating a vegan diet and not living off supplements, please let me know.

    Try checking out my intakes. I only joined yesterday, but everyday I will have new meals, and I will be trying to reach my iron, calcium, protein, carbohydrate, and (good) fat goals eating this way. I'm not perfect, and neither is this way of eating, but I believe it is much better than eating animals and processed foods.

    Good luck to you but this is a place to log your calories and discuss certain topics. Not a place to convert people to veganism.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Where did you get that she said people are rude and mean from? VoV was just suggesting a group that may be beneficial to the OP.

    Agreed, I thought VoV's response was very polite and thoughtful. OP, on the other hand, has not bothered to return and defend the fact that she's trying to inform us of the terrible evils of milk while at the same time having dairy in her food journal.

    Yes, VoV, I appreciate how you share your perspective and are willing to participate in respectful conversation. I've certainly learned a lot from you in these forums.

    Anyway, about antibiotics...
    Cows that are treated with antibiotics for mastitis have ALL of their milk WITHHELD from consumption until there are no detectable levels of antibiotics in the milk. There is a positive correlation between cows that produce more milk and the incidence of mastitis, which is a bacterial infection in the udder. Most cows don't have this, and farmers do everything they can to keep the udders of their cows healthy. Farmers who violate this and let antibiotics into their bulk tanks would be penalized very very heavily for it, so they don't do it.

    Thanks for the kind words. I have learned a lot from you, as well, including this info on antibiotics in cow's milk. I agree farmers are highly motivated to keep their cattle in prime health. Some members of my family drink raw milk from a local farmer, and the cleanliness on that farm is totally amazing.
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
    Vegans who post **** like this or say **** like this is why people hate vegans.

    Shut up and keep your opinions to yourself. If people cared, they would find the information for themself.
    It is ridiculous to think you're going to change the world after submitting one "the government is against us, go vegan" post.

    Plus I agree, documentaries can be faked, science is debatable between different studies, you're just, you're just making vegans look bad.
  • spisea
    spisea Posts: 41 Member
    Here is a link to a source of reliable, scientifically based information about vegan diets. It come from a professional dietitian with a degree and a ton of experience.

    On this page, there is plenty of information about solid scientific research about vegan diets, including questions like how we get enough protein and calcium. This is a really interesting article about calcium, that I suspect many of you will have to agree is quiet well balanced.

    Unfortunately, there is a lot of inflammatory, pseudo-scientific nonsense out there about vegan diets. But to be fair, their is a ton more inflammatory, pseudo-scientific non-sense about non-vegan diets. Because we are out of the mainstream, people seem to hold us to a higher standard, which, when you think about it, isn't really fair.
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