Does it matter where your calories come from?



  • My MFP friends know that the advice of suggestions I give are not chastising them and not 'telling' them what to do. If they have a open diary I'm going to comment. Don't like it? Keep it hidden.
    We're all here for support and advice as far as I'm concerned and lots of my MFP friends are real life friends so they know what I'm like and have joined MFP because I'm doing really well.

    I don't think the OP was wrong at all. She was just trying to give some advice she's found helpful in her journey. IMO the 'friend' needs to cut down on the junk, maybe she'll find her moods a little more stable and will be less of a grouch!
    I wouldn't comment 'way to go!' or 'awesommmmme!' on someone's diary if they were under goal without checking it out. If it's full of shat I'm not going to encourage them to keep doing that. The only time this wouldn't apply is if I knew MFP friend was at an event full of cruddy food and they controlled themselves but I would be noting that in my comment.

    I think everyone should eat as much fruit and veg as possible and cook as much of your own food as you can. I believe this is a lifestyle change and having control over what goes into your mouth and getting some food-ucation is the key.
    But if others don't have the same view that's fine, I wont offer advice and am likely not to comment because I don't share the same journey as they do. We probably wont remain MFP friends for long and I would have certainly deleted them after attacking me for just trying to help.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    This is comparing apples and oranges.

    So depending on what you are talking about both are correct and both are wrong.

    With that you have two choices now, let it go and offer support when what is happening is to your liking or apologize saying you are sorry but you thought that what you were offering was supportive but now you understand they have a different goal than what you believed and then let it go.
  • <
    get's 90% of his meals from fast food joints. And we ain't talkin bout no salads. Eating Wendy's right now. I am dead serious. Large chili and spicy nuggets right here on my desk. Usually it's a triple cheeseburger. It's not for everyone, but this is how I lost all of my weight this year.
  • Might have to try that!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    As for weightloss, she is right. As for nutrition, you are. But she didn't ask for criticism or advice. When u realized your comment had hurt her did you apologize or get defensive? Are you really posting this to decide whether or not an apology is warranted or are you being a right fighter and looking for the forum to back you up? Is she going to see on her feed that you posted a topic and now you called her out to everyone? Chances are if she was sensitive to you as a "friend" commenting on her page about her diet she probably isn't going to be thrilled that now everyone gets to weigh in on her diet choices. Not everyone will know who you are talking about, but more than likely the only one that matters will.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    IMO is this about weight loss or healthy? For weight loss as long as your eating less then whatever, but for healthy you need to eat the right kinds of food and that means cutting out as much processed foods as you can. But just as a suggestion don't offer advice on a diary unless it's asked for. Saves you from having to post this. If you have something to say about someone's diary and don't want them to know it's directed at them then just post in your feeds that cutting out processed foods from your everyday routine leads to a healthier weight loss. FYI you don't have to exercise to lose weight either, that's for a healthy you also. You will feel a lot better by cutting out those foods, while she'll still be sluggish and just feeling like crap. IMO those are the ones that won't last.
  • While you will lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume during a day there are a lot of interesting theories that a calorie is not just a calorie.

    A study was undertaken during the second world war by Keys to investigate the effects of starvation. Volunteers were placed on a diet consisting of 1570 calories a day (25.5% protein, 17.2% fat, 57.3% carbs) during a 24 week study time.
    They found that these men not only lost a lot of weight but also suffered terrible side effects such as endlessly thinking about food, becoming lethargic, cold and depressed and developing bleeding disorders, fluid retention and some developed serious psychological disorders (including one man who chopped off several of his own fingers). Pretty grim stuff

    But when you compare it to later studies such as Yudkins study's in the 1960s who investigated the effect of low carb diet. He took volunteers and when they were fed food was placed on the table and they were told to serve themselves and eat as much as they wanted, the food was all low carb but high fat and protein food. They analyzed what the subjects were eating and their mental states. The findings showed the participants consumed 1560 calories per day, almost exactly the same as the Keys study described above (21.3% protein, 60.6% fat and 17.1% carb)

    If the thinking is a calorie is only a calorie and its all just a simple mathematics equation then how can one group of people starve and go crazy on a set calorie number and another choose to eat that same calorie goal and feel full, satisfied and reported a "increased feeling of well being"

    I just find this topic fascinating so sorry for boring you with my scientific jargon!
    If you want to find out more about these studies the Yudkin one is here ( but the other one is too old, I cant find it online, the book of it can be found on amazon here (
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I would never comment on any friend's diary unless specifically asked. I think it's rude.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Well, I'm going to put in my 2 cents worth. She will lose weight, but she'll be a thinner fat girl basically. Because you are what you eat. If you're eating crap you're going to be fat and I mean have high body fat. You might weigh less, but you won't have a healthier body and you won't look better because you will be flabby. And yeah, colon cancer comes to mind as well as many other kinds of cancer and other diseases. Cancer as well as many health issues and diseases are caused by high acidic ph balance in your body...the more crap you eat the higher the acid ph of your body. The more clean, whole, raw foods you eat (lots of vegetables, the more raw the better) - the higher your alkaline your ph level will be and the healthier and freer of disease and yes least likely to get cancer because cancer thrives in acidic environments not alkaline.

    ...just a thought

    oh and if you're my mfp friend like it or not...I'm always on your case about vegetables. Sometimes, I'll let you slide if you got 4 servings but zero and I'm all over ya! If you put a weeks worth of your diary on a should be all colors of the rainbow...if its brown, tan,'re eating crap. just saying
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    My motto is "everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"

    ^I like this motto! Thank you! :smile:

    Too late! I saw it first! :tongue: <plagerized>

    I must 'fess up. I plagiarized it too. If I dare to say so on a public forum, it's actually from the Bible.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    As for weightloss, she is right. As for nutrition, you are. But she didn't ask for criticism or advice. When u realized your comment had hurt her did you apologize or get defensive? Are you really posting this to decide whether or not an apology is warranted or are you being a right fighter and looking for the forum to back you up? Is she going to see on her feed that you posted a topic and now you called her out to everyone? Chances are if she was sensitive to you as a "friend" commenting on her page about her diet she probably isn't going to be thrilled that now everyone gets to weigh in on her diet choices. Not everyone will know who you are talking about, but more than likely the only one that matters will.

    If you read through the entire thread, I did post that I had sent a letter of apology for overstepping a boundary. Thanks for your input.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I would never comment on any friend's diary unless specifically asked. I think it's rude.

    But posting that ^ here isn't?
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    While you will lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume during a day there are a lot of interesting theories that a calorie is not just a calorie.

    A study was undertaken during the second world war by Keys to investigate the effects of starvation. Volunteers were placed on a diet consisting of 1570 calories a day (25.5% protein, 17.2% fat, 57.3% carbs) during a 24 week study time.
    They found that these men not only lost a lot of weight but also suffered terrible side effects such as endlessly thinking about food, becoming lethargic, cold and depressed and developing bleeding disorders, fluid retention and some developed serious psychological disorders (including one man who chopped off several of his own fingers). Pretty grim stuff

    But when you compare it to later studies such as Yudkins study's in the 1960s who investigated the effect of low carb diet. He took volunteers and when they were fed food was placed on the table and they were told to serve themselves and eat as much as they wanted, the food was all low carb but high fat and protein food. They analyzed what the subjects were eating and their mental states. The findings showed the participants consumed 1560 calories per day, almost exactly the same as the Keys study described above (21.3% protein, 60.6% fat and 17.1% carb)

    If the thinking is a calorie is only a calorie and its all just a simple mathematics equation then how can one group of people starve and go crazy on a set calorie number and another choose to eat that same calorie goal and feel full, satisfied and reported a "increased feeling of well being"

    I just find this topic fascinating so sorry for boring you with my scientific jargon!
    If you want to find out more about these studies the Yudkin one is here ( but the other one is too old, I cant find it online, the book of it can be found on amazon here (

    No, I don't find it boring at fact, I think it's good information! Thank you!
  • grantcfitpal
    grantcfitpal Posts: 6 Member
    In my opinion, a calorie is NOT a calorie.

    A twinkie containing 200 calories, does not have the same macronutrient breakdown as a peice of chicken that is 200 Calories.

    You are far better sticking to CLEAN foods that have more nutrient dense macronutrients.
    Whole grains. Clean meats. Vegetables & Fruits and certain fats. Simple. Sure, if you want to eat that twinkie and it fits into your macro's then why not..

    You cannot just eat your daily caloric intake of twinkie's and expect to hit the proper macros for your BMR.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I think it may be different for everyone, but in general (and at least it's true for me) from a weight loss perspective, it shouldn't matter where they come from. From a health and fitness perspective, it DOES matter where your calories come from. I want to be healthy personally, so I make sure I'm eating a balanced, nutritious diet.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    so why exactly are pizza and cheeseburgers inherently evil?

    i'm sure there are some cheeseburgers that are more healthy than some salads. it's all about how it's made and what's in it rather than what it's named, right?
  • She's being too sensitive.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    If you're losing weight, feel good, all blood work etc is normal. Then just continue eating the way that has been working for you.
    So what someone chooses to eat is up to them.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Everyone is different but the way Im playing the game is drop weight while eating whatever I want. Hey! Im already depriving myself of calories, so why add to the burden by adding another deprivation? LOL

    Almost everyday I eat a Butterfinger Fun Size (85 cal). I plan for it and my focus is to stay within my plan. Damn it's good.

    I am also jacking with my intake. I will go a few days eating 1500 - 1600 cal then jump up to 1800 - 1900 cal. I find that it helps keep me from not hitting a plateau, as my loss seems to be somewhat steady, 1/2 lb daily.

    I think eating fat, protein, and junk while reducing caloric intake works for me and keeps my body from going into famine mode.

    Think Im gonna eat Taco Bell tonight. Mexican Pizza and Burrito Supreme! (930 calories) Yum Yum eatum up!
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    I've wondered this myself too. Like the other posts said if you are under calories, you will lose weight. But every diet should include veggies and fruit as much as possible, I try and find a healthy balance as much as possible.